Page 27 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 27


         A weighty


         Yes, weight does increase with age, but there are some simple ways to keep it
         in check, writes Dr Noor Gill

         Many people struggle to keep their weight           A study done by researchers at Karolinska
         in check as they get older. And you were           Medicine Institute, Sweden was published
         probably blaming it on that pint of beer           in the journal Nature Medicine, which
         or the two (or three) extra servings of            brought to light the reason for this. They
         aloo puri. But not any more; no sirree, we         had to say that the lipid turnover in the
         have science and human physiology and              fat tissue decreases during ageing. It is a
         biochemistry to defend you.                        naturally occurring process where, with
                                                            the growth, the metabolism of the body also
         Why am I putting on weight easily?                 starts slowing down.
         You could be eating right and getting 30
         minutes of walking and exercise into your          What is lipid and lipid turnover?
         routine but your weighing scale might              Lipid is a biomolecule that we, for the sake
         not agree with what it has to show for it.         of simplicity, call fat.
         Fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg              Lipid metabolism is the synthesis and
         rightly said, “Ageing is out of our control.       degradation of the lipids or fats in the
         How you handle it though, is in your               cells. In today’s fast-paced world where
         hands.” And the trick to doing that is to          everything we do or consume has to reach
         do it gracefully and make it look great            us in a jiffy, our foods are no exception. And
         so everyone looks forward to it. Among             this has led to a global problem of obesity,
         other things, ageing also makes it easier to       which has made understanding lipid
         gain weight even if you don’t eat more or          dynamics and what regulates the size of the
         exercise than you did before.                      fat mass in humans even more relevant and

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