Page 28 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 28

         Turnover number is the maximum number
         of chemical conversions of the substrate
         molecules per second that a single catalytic
         site will execute for a given enzyme
         To put it simply, lipid turnover is the rate
         at which the lipid (or fat) in the fat cell
         (adipocytes) is removed and stored.

         What causes decrease in lipid
         The exact cause for the decrease in the
         lipid turnover is still unknown, but given
         the progress and advancement in the
         department of rejuvenation research, we
         have some hypotheses to back them with
         – such as chronic inflammation resulting           Avoid or reduce stress by practising relaxation techniques
                                                            such as meditation
         from senescent cells, and mitochondrial
         dysfunction. It might take a few years for         too busy and occupied tackling the ongoing
         new data to emerge, since we are all a little      and all-consuming global crisis.

                                                            What can be the other causes for my
                                                            gain in weight?
                                                            Hormonal Changes: According to a CDC
                                                            data, middle age is the prime time for
                                                            putting on the pounds.
                                                             For Women: Menopause leads to a
                                                            significant drop in the oestrogen levels,
                                                            which in turn encourages a few extra
                                                            pounds to settle and get comfy around the
                                                             For Men: After 40-45years of age, men
                                                            also start to experience a decline and
                                                            consequently a drop in the levels of
                                                            testosterone. Testosterone, apart from other
                                                            things, is also responsible for regulating fat
                                                            distribution and muscle strength and mass.
                                                             Decrease in the metabolism: A slow
                                                            metabolic rate along with more fat and
                                                            less muscle reduces the rate at which the

         If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you’re likely to be   calories are burnt, thus making it easier to
         drowsy and tired during the day                    gain weight.

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