Page 12 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 12
be gifted tomorrow. Be grateful and enjoy the
There is plenty of time; time is infinite, but
our life is not – it is for us to use it wisely
or waste it foolishly. I had some delightful
and wondrous learnings about our ancient
Indian philosophical thoughts over two-
months during the lockdown. Our culture
is a veritable treasure trove of exceptional
thinkers and thoughts.
We can either despair about the situation or WhatsApp is a great university of shares and views, but
repair our position. Choose the latter – build most of it is junk, unverified, and sometimes outright false
your immunity – of your body and mind. recover at the risk of their own lives.
We will automatically be better prepared to WhatsApp is a great university of shares
face any situation. I have several friends well and views – every Ram, Rahim and Ramsay
over 60 – almost 90% of them were worried will share or hold forth and force a point of
about attracting the microbe. The other 10% view about Covid and cure and everything
got into active immunity building – in terms under the sun, but most of it will be junk or
of breathing exercises, physical exercises unverified – sift out the chaff for your own
and eating right. This gave them the good and mental wellbeing.
confidence to handle the scary and morbid Being closeted with family is good and
times. great, but if your neck is going to be
Never assume that we are in complete spondylitised by WhatsApp all the time, you
control, we never are! will only crane the relationships. Be smart
Family matters, so do true friends - we all and throw out the smartphones.
enter and exit alone, but family and friends The only way to get rid of the fear of
make our journey worthwhile. the unknown and have some equipoise
Seek out senior citizens that you know and is to meditate – catch your ‘me’ time and
proffer help – make them feel secure and experience ‘inner solitude’. Great way to
wanted. declutter your mind and myths. Withdrawal
If you are fortunate to have surplus of from the world often is not escapism, but
anything, just share it and lighten yourself. catharsis.
Be responsible and never let your guard Respond wisely, react prudently – for what
down – wearing masks and avoiding crowds will remain with people is your deeds and
is a must, why run the risk of exposure. words at crucial moments.
Shed the bravado that it can only happen to As we near the end of 2020, I have realised
others. that the plains are not a bad place to be
Reach out to your neighbours, if any in in – it makes you grounded and real – and
their family have got the virus – they do can prepare you for your next climb to the
need our help and support in more ways peaks. That’s what I plan to do in the not-too-
than one – for tomorrow it could be our turn. distant future – for me, hope is in the mind
Empathise with doctors and healthcare and belief is in the action.
workers who are relentlessly helping people Gloom will die, but bloom will thrive!