Page 9 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 9
specific on a “use by date”. It would be
a great opportunity for bright-minded,
well-resourced physicists and doctors to
approach the subject with some added
Suppose one gets sick and the doctor
discovers that it is something serious,
that is a problem in an organ or two, your
neurological/digestive/chemical systems Covid-19 has forced us to reconsider the way we do things
have been warped and are doing things that maybe a spectacular farewell party.
will leave you increasingly helpless. Your Looking deep within I tried to discover
body is then subjected to drugs, surgery, what gave me happiness – spouse, family,
implants, transplants, chemotherapy or friends and a host of happy memories and
radiotherapy, after which the doctor is still blessings for which one is forever thankful
unsure as to how much time you have left. to God. I debated within myself whether
It could be you have a few months or maybe I was ready to die; had I finished my life’s
a few years. So you go home and take your agenda? I realised that what is not to be is
pain/bewilderment with you. In this state not to be and that we don’t drive the agenda,
you don’t know how quickly your illness the agenda drives us.
may progress, but whatever you do health It is in surviving the tough times that we
issues may own you and to a great extent run acquire a special appreciation for the bounty
your life. Yamraj has already set foot in your of life. Coming to terms with myself was
door and you never know when he steps in an understanding that I will need to deal
and wraps you up. At this point the option of with many physical and practical aspects of
legal euthanasia might seem a big comfort. ageing – fear, hope, sadness, loss, physical
and cognitive decline, and eventually
Surviving tough times death. Americans keep talking about a war
I wish researchers would devise testing on ageing, believing that they can stay in
methods that can delve into a person’s body control and conquer the enemy out there.
and determine exactly how long someone is No one defeats ageing – it defeats you, and
going to live. If you didn’t want to know your it’s only a defeat if you define it that way. It’s
“use by date” you wouldn’t have to ask. But great to take advantage of the remarkable
my guess is that most people in this peculiar advancement in medicine, but I don’t want
situation would be glad to know whether to go through endless medical treatments
they had no more than 3 months, 3 years, in an attempt to defeat an enemy who may
10 years or a week. It would help in making eventually be a friend. Neither do I want to
realistic decisions. Consider the situation go through ageing alone. I want to be with
if you knew how much time you had left. family and friends as we travel together
Fear would be replaced by confidence. in this hard, painful and heart-breaking
Furthermore, it would keep an increasingly beautiful journey called life.
large proportion of society stay focused and Do you have a similar experience given
more confidently ticking the list of to-do Covid - about yourself or a near and dear
things, bucket list, inheritance planning and one? Email us at