Page 11 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 11

have been tragically and prematurely lost
                                                            to the inveterate microbe. Many went for
                                                            covid treatment, but several never returned.
                                                            Cremations were done without consoling
                                                            shoulders. General wellbeing of people
                                                            plunged, so did the GDP.
                                                             However, the biggest silver lining or rather
                                                            the gold lining has been families have been
                                                            forced to be together, spend time with each

        A microbe invisible to the eye turned up and transformed   other, tend to each other and become more
        everything                                          accepting of each other. Nothing to beat
         halt with the labour force missing. Work           happy families during unhappy times.
         from home became the norm for every                 Given the choice between the devil and
         working person, delightful initially but           the deep sea, in spite of no clear cure and
         distraught finally to see a 9 to 5 job becoming    control, economies have been reopened with
         a near 24 hours digital work any time. Zoom        the expectation that herd immunity would
         conferences deluged all social platforms           have developed and that you and me will be
         and after the initial enthusiasm of ‘feel good’    careful and cautious on the back of constant
         and ‘feeling important’, most were zombied         messaging. Essentially, we all have been left
         out. The social animals in humans became           to hope for the best while bracing for the
         digital robots given the compulsions of social     worst.
         distancing, masks and sanitisers. Hugs              As we near the end of 2020, have we all
         became bugs, kiss went amiss, real meetings        learnt 20-20?
         became virtual greetings and laughs went
         smirks.                                            Learning from the pandemic
          Urban runs and walks went indoors, but            I don’t know if I have come out better than
         roads saw millions of old and the young            what I was in the beginning of 2020, but
         walking 100s of kms back to their villages,        most definitely am thankful and happy to
         eating outdoors went indoor orders,                see the sunrise today and share some of my
         weddings and functions went virtual                simple but significant learnings with the
         with all the fun of eats and greets and            readers.
         treats absent. Festivals and celebrations           Every day counts for we know not if we will
         were homely affairs, seas and lakes and
         ponds were spared the immersion of the
         gods, garba dances stilled, crackers went
         silent. Traffic went off roads and pollution
         went underground. Tellingly, nature
         acknowledged the reduction of pollution and
         painted the sky and the horizon with myriad
         hues bright and cheerful.
          The healthcare system was overstrained
         but was so well handled by the selfless            The healthcare system has been overstrained, and the
         doctors and healthcare workers. Many lives         search for a Covid vaccine is top of mind

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #18 | DECEMBER 2020                                                           11
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