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without proper food and        hometown of Bengaluru but also across the
                             slept on railway stations.     nation on business and social issues.
                             Today he’s come a long
                             way indeed and is a well-      38. Anna Hazare, 83, Social Activist
                             known and respected                               An Indian social activist
                             journalist nationwide.                            since decades, Hazare
         After winning several awards and hosting                              has led movements
         the famous and longest running show on                                to promote rural
         Indian television “Aap Ki Adalat”. A real                             development, increase
         and warming story of a man, who has made                              government transparency,
         himself stand strong and proud.                    and investigate and punish corruption in
                                                            public life. He deploys tactics reminiscent
         36. Uday Kotak, 63, Banker                         of Gandhiji, from non- violent protests to
                              Kotak declined his            hunger strikes. At 83, he has undertaken
                              prosperous family             a hunger fast to support the ongoing
                              trading business and          farmer’s stir against the government. An
                              started a finance firm        indomitable spirit and unflappable will-
                              in 1985. He then went         power endow him to support the weakest
                              on to convert it into         and marginalised sections of society.
         Kotak Mahindra Bank - now among India’s
         top banks in the private sector. Few know          39. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, 67, Spiritual
         that he dreamt of becoming a professional          Guru
         cricketer till an unfortunate accident forced                          “Sri Sri”, Guru ji, or
         him never to play at that level again. Today,                          Gurudev founded
         he is the world’s richest banker and warns of                          the Art of Living
         soaring inflation ahead, along with soaring                            Foundation in 1981, a
         temperature levels due to climate change!                              volunteer-based NGO
                                                                                providing social support
         37. Nandan Nilekani, 65, Entrepreneur              to people. He has proved that he is not a
                               He co-founded leading        fly-by-night spiritual saviour, instead his
                               infotech major Infosys       programmes have aided people from a wide
                               and is now Non-              range of backgrounds – victims of natural
                               Executive Chairman           disasters, survivors of terror attacks and
                               of the company. But          war, children from marginalised populations
                               other than Infosys, he       and communities in conflict, social and
         was Chairman of the Unique Identification          environmental causes, among others. He
         Authority of India (UIDAI) which gave the          has rekindled the traditions of yoga and
         country the now near-must-have Aadhar              meditation and offered them in a form that is
         Card. He was the part of the government’s          relevant to the 21st century.
         technology government and even joined
         the Congress, but is now inactive there. An        40. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, 63, Yogi,
         author of two bestselling books, Nilekani’s        Author
         voice is much respected not just in his            He hits a nerve amongst some and

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #19 | JANUARY 2021                                                            15
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