Page 12 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 12
is his personal initiative to give back to chairman and philanthropist Piramal has
the community. From building hospitals, said: “Courage, fearless attitude and focus
schools, women’s empowerment and more, on the actions are some of the key points that
Agrawal has used his powerful influence to the holy book outlines.” He’s proved himself
serve the greater good of the country. a devoted bhakt.
21. Sunil Mittal, 63, Industrialist 23. Ela Bhatt, 87, Activist
Telecom tycoon Mittal Ela Bhatt’s work
owns Bharti Enterprises has single-handedly
which spans over telecom, revolutionised the lives
insurance, real estate, of women who work
hospitality and more. in the informal sector
Airtel is a pioneer of and provided them the
telecom service provider that has expanded opportunity for decent work. Inspired
into multimedia such as satellite television, by Mahatma Gandhi, she founded Self-
broadband services, high speed internet, Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) – a
digital television, banking and more. trade union representing the self-employed
Mittal too, speaks of an up-and-down textile workers in India. SEWA-initiated
journey, of life being a great leveller, of cooperative banks for women that provide
working hard and sacrificing harder to build small loans to start their business.
when the chips were down. During the Covid She is also the co-founder of
crisis, Bharti Enterprises stepped in to give Women’s World Banking, a non-profit
Rs 100 cr to the PM fund, buy masks, etc. organisation that provides support in
Mittal has proved yet again, that he stands form of microfinance institutions and
by his fellow men when they’ve needed him banking services to low-income women
most. entrepreneurs.
Bhatt also founded The Elders, an
22. Ajay Piramal, 65, Industrialist independent group of global leaders working
Piramal Group is together for peace, justice and human rights.
a multinational Says she: “When The Elders meet with
industry that covers leaders and other powerful people, it is our
pharmaceuticals, job to try to persuade them to lead with
healthcare, cosmetics, their conscience and remind them of their
glass packaging, financial duties to the people they serve – even if that
services and real estate. message is not what they want to hear.”
The Piramal Foundation works in tandem
with the state government across 21 states 24. Subhash Chandra, 70, Media Baron
in India to support health and welfare, Essel Group, headed
education and provide safe drinking by Chandra, spans over
water for the poor amongst other social Zee Entertainment
responsibilities. Enterprise, Zee Media
Talking about his learnings derived from Corporation, Dish TV
the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Piramal Group and Siti Networks –