Page 11 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 11
sustainable businesses, and Kaya Clinic, that not interfere in day-to-day functioning of
operates across Asia and Middle East. business. And when he speaks (or disagrees),
But it hasn’t been a bed of roses. Mariwala people listen.
didn’t get into a big business school. Nor
did he have a desk at work when he started. 19. Kiran & Shiv Nadar, 70 & 75,
He hovered around every department to Philanthropist & Industrialist
understand things. He travelled across the Known popularly as the
country to know the customer. He read every power couple, Kiran is
management book possible. “Your degree is a philanthropist and an
not your education.” he says, and continues, art collector, while Shiv
“Entrepreneurs lay so much emphasis Nadar has handed over
on having this one grand vision for their the reins of Chairman of
ventures. I’ve always believed otherwise. HCL Technologies, after four decades to his
With time, I’ve evolved my vision. This daughter Roshini Nadar Malhotra.
has always enabled us to explore newer He’s described his ability as an
opportunities.” entrepreneur as flexible, alert, aggressive,
Mariwala-isms are best consumed off his inspiring and positive and using every low
much-followed Twitter handle. as a learning opportunity to bounce back.
Today he inspires millions of young adults to
18. Adi Godrej, 78, Industrialist follow their dream.
Godrej was literally born The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art
with a silver spoon in has emerged as India’s first private
his mouth. The Godrej philanthropic museum, promoting
family is the pioneer contemporary and modern art from India
of the largest Indian and the subcontinent. Shiv Nadar University
conglomerate, which is a philanthropic multi-disciplinary
deals in a wide range of sectors including research institution with a vision to nurture
FMCG, real estate, industrial engineering the leaders of tomorrow.
and appliances and furniture. His ancestry The Nadars believe in the philosophy
is worth gold to the western part of India of ‘Creative Philanthropy’ that will yield
in particular. Under the guidance of Adi long-term, high impact, socio-economic
Godrej, the company is a member of the transformation.
prestigious ‘100 billion’ club and has plans
to expand into regions beyond the Asia 20. Anil Agrawal, 66, Industrialist
Pacific. But despite it all, he wears his power The Founder and
softly and discreetly. Chairman of Vedanta
Heading the Godrej empire and expanding Resources Limited,
it, are just small feathers in his cap. Godrej is Agrawal has grown his
a man of discipline and duty above all. It is a company into the largest
mistake to get misled by his soft manner. He metal mining company in
uses his intellect and discernment to analyse India.
and cut through policies, maintaining The Vedanta Foundation that supports
that politicians and bureaucrats should philanthropic programmes and activities