Page 16 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 16

establishes a direct                               asked by his father
                              connect with others.                               to return to India. He
                              But it is his ability to                           soon realised that the
                              sync with the youth                                medical landscape in the
                              that has made his                                  country was plagued
                              popularity grow. He                                by several gaps, such
         creates ripples where he goes, and in a recent     as, poor infrastructure, abysmal delivery,
         Twitter response to trolls, he said – “Some        and un-affordability. The cardiologist
         people expect a spiritual organisation to          turned an entrepreneur at 50, despite a lot
         be spineless and without nerve. Indian             of opposition. He founded the first corporate
         spirituality is not wimpy. We stand up for         chain of multi-speciality hospitals in India,
         what matters. If filth is all you can throw at     the Apollo Hospitals. Over the last three
         us, we will make manure and throw it back          decades, India’s medical landscape has seen
         hoping you will blossom. Wishing you well!”        a massive shift, and in no small measure,
                                                            Apollo Hospitals and Dr Reddy have
         41. Amartya Sen, 87, Economist, Nobel              played a major role in bringing about this
         Laureate                                           revolution.
                              An academic to the
                              core, Sen has worked          43. Dr Devi Shetty, 67, Doctor,
                              (teaching at the best         Entrepreneur
                              universities in the                               Devi Prasad Shetty, MS,
                              world) away from                                  FRCS, is a popular Indian
                              India since 1971. But he                          cardiac surgeon and
         visits his homeland frequently. As he sums                             entrepreneur. He is the
         it up: “This, combined with my remaining                               chairman and founder
         exclusively an Indian citizen, gives me, I                             of Narayana Health,
         think, some entitlement to speak on Indian         a chain of 21 medical centres in India. He
         public affairs, and this remains a constant        has performed more than 15,000 heart
         involvement.”                                      operations, and his quest has been to make
          In 1998 he received the Nobel Prize in            cardiac surgeries as low cost as possible, so
         Economic Sciences for his contributions to         as to offer it to sections of society who need
         welfare economics and social choice theory         it most but find it unaffordable. Last year, he
         and for his interest in the problems of            expanded his healthcare company, which is
         society’s poorest members. With the help of        now listed on the stock exchange.
         some of the prize money, Sen set up the The
         Pratichi Trust – which helps spread literacy,      44. Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla, Fashion
         basic healthcare and gender equity in India        Designers
         and Bangladesh.                                                         The darlings of the
                                                                                 fashionista world, this
         42. Prathap C Reddy, 88, Doctor,                                        duo has cult status
         Entrepreneur                                                            amongst their large
         After a flourishing (cardiology) practice                               (global) celebrity
         of his dreams in the US, Dr Reddy was                                   fan following. They

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