Page 29 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 29

and this ultimately helps you weight loss.         by microorganisms and aged for a very
         How to drink it: Add a cup of beans to a           long period. The result is a tea that has
         pot, now add 3 cups of water and simmer on         a different flavour and a different set of
         medium heat for 10- 12 minutes. Strain the         flavonoids.
         coffee and drink.  Or, follow the instructions      According to researchers, Chinese black
         on your manufacturer’s label.                      tea extract is better when it comes to losing
                                                            fat in the body in comparison to those
         12. Black Tea And Its Types                        who didn’t drink the concoction. The
                                                            observation was made in a study published
                                                            in the Nutrition Research Journal in 2011.

         Abundant caffeine in black tea can be a fat-
         decomposing assistant, which can dissolve
         the stored fat in the blood and amplify the        Pu-erh tea (leaves fermented and
         fat-burning ability.                               compressed to resemble a brick),
          Caffeine also stimulates the kidneys,             weight loss benefit is obvious because it
         dilates blood vessels, increases water             has a strong effect on diminishing lipids
         metabolism, and removes excess water and           and protecting your abdomen. Drinking it
         waste to create a good body condition for          without other additives can bring a better
         your weight loss plan.                             result. Pu-erh tea is most beneficial if drunk
          The flavonoids found in black tea have            half an hour after the meal.
         been shown to lower visceral fats and
         triglyceride levels, as well as inhibit            Oolong tea weight loss benefit mainly
         inflammation-induced obesity.                      comes from tannin. It is the key for
          Studies show that black tea, along with the       decomposing lipid. A professor at Taiwan’s
         assistance of a specific mechanism through         Cheng Gong University published a study
         the gut microbiome, contributes to weight          in “The Journal of Obesity” and said that
         loss and good health. This mechanism is            people who regularly drank oolong tea had
         entirely different from the one practiced by       lower body mass index and fat content than
         green tea particles. The study also revealed
         that black tea decreased gut bacteria
         associated with obesity and increased gut
         bacteria associated with lean body mass.
          Typically, Black teas from China seem to
         have a more compelling case to aid weight
         loss. Chinese black tea leaves are fermented

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