Page 28 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 28

squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the         When you need a shot of caffeine, coffee is
        water.                                              a better choice than soda or energy drinks.
         Jeera water for weight loss will be more           Black coffee is calorie-free and rich in
        effective when it is consumed early in the          antioxidants.
        morning on an empty stomach.                         Studies show that drinking moderate
         You can also add equal amounts of saunf            amounts of coffee (about 3 to 4 cups a
        to your jeera pani to reap the benefits of          day) may improve your mood and help
        both seeds.                                         your concentration. It could also lower
                                                            your chances of type 2 diabetes and some
        9. Carom seeds (Ajwain)                             cancers.
                                                            How to drink it:  The health benefits of
                                                            instant and brewed coffee are the same. So
                                                            have your coffee the way you like it – but
                                                            make sure you don’t add sugar or milk.

                                                            11. Green coffee

         It is said that ajwain, like jeera, has many
         therapeutic properties due to the presence
         of the essential oil called thymol. This oil
         helps promote weight loss by boosting
         your metabolism, improving digestion and
         relieving acidity.
         How to drink it: Soak 25 grams of ajwain
         seeds overnight in a glass of water. Next          Chlorogenic acid in green coffee is the
         morning, strain the ajwain and drink the           wondrous compound which can help you
         water on an empty stomach. You can add a           with weight loss. Daily consumption of
         teaspoon of honey in your ajwain water if          instant coffee containing high amounts of
         you wish. You can have this water regularly        CGA significantly decreased VFA, TFA,
         for 15-20 days to boost your metabolism and        BMI, body weight, and WC, without severe
         lose weight.                                       adverse events. Chlorogenic acid, the
                                                            main ingredient in green coffee beans, is
         10. Black Coffee                                   thought to affect how the body processes
                                                            metabolism and blood sugar Chlorogenic
                                                            acid in green coffee can melt unwanted
                                                            fat in the body, aiding weight loss. What’s
                                                            more is that chlorogenic acid can help in
                                                            increasing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR),
                                                            which can reduce release of glucose from
                                                            liver into the bloodstream. Instead of
                                                            glucose, the body begins to burn excess fat,

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