Page 32 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 32

keeps you hydrated and thanks to the fruit’s       Roselle in weight loss; the one as recent
         natural sweetness, this juice doesn’t need         as 2019 confirms, that consumption of
         any added sugar.                                   Roselle reduced obesity, abdominal fat, and
          A study conducted at the University of            improved liver steatosis (fatty liver).
         Kentucky found that drinking two glasses of        Hibiscus sabdariffa could help in preventing
         watermelon juice every day for eight weeks         obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver.
         helped people lose weight — especially belly       How to drink it:
         fat — and didn’t reduce muscle mass.               You can go online and order Roselle, but
          The magic component may be the amino              for those of you who have access to this
         acid arginine. A study published in the            wondrous plant, here’s the best way to drink
         Journal of Nutrition found that adding             it:
         arginine to the diets of obese mice decreased      • First, collect the hibiscus fruits and wash
         body fat by 64 percent in only three months.       them clean, and air dry or dry them in an
         How to drink it: Blend the fruit so that you       oven at 70 degree C for 3 days.
         retain the fibre as well. Store in a jug and       • Peel off the calyx and store them in air-tight
         drink through the day.                             containers.
                                                            • To make tea, simply take 2 grams of the
         18. Roselle Tea                                    dried calyx, and crush them into small
                                                            pieces using a wooden roller.
                                                            • Put them in a tea bag or a net, bring out
                                                            your favourite mug, add 200ml of boiling
                                                            water, steep it for 2-4minutes. Add a few
                                                            drops of freshly squeezed lemon and honey
                                                            if desired.
                                                            • You can also refrigerate the drink.

                                                            19. Psyllium Husk
         The hibiscus plant includes roselle
         (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and its extract plays a
         significant role in inhibiting obesity and fat
          Hibiscus sabdariffa or Roselle is medicinal
         plant with a worldwide fame. It contains
         phytochemicals, and is well known for its
         nutritional and medicinal properties.
         Extracts from Roselle have shown that
         Hibiscus sabdariffa derived bioactive
         compounds are potent in the treatment of           Psyllium husk for weight loss is a popular
         obesity with an evident reduction in body          natural remedy for those looking to lose
         weight, inhibition of lipid (fat) accumulation,    weight by adding more fibre to their diet.
         and suppression of adipogenesis (fat cells).       When it is mixed with water, it thickens to a
         In fact among the many studies undertaken          gel.
         on the efficacy of Hibiscus sabdariffa or           Psyllium fibre also suppresses appetite

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