Page 31 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 31
This South American super-beverage is Often overlooked by its green and black
made of the steeped leaves and twigs of an counterparts, white tea could actually be one
indigenous plant, which has been providing of the most waist-friendly teas around.
locals with a natural pick-me-up for Floral and delicate, white tea is made using
centuries. the same leaves as black or green tea, but it
Yerba maté tea is known for its powerful has lower levels of processing, resulting in
thermogenic effects—meaning it turns up a purer beverage, known for its slimming
your body’s calorie burning mechanism— abilities.
and can also promote weight loss by Studies indicate that white tea has one
improving insulin sensitivity. of the highest levels of polyphenols,
A study on Yerba maté found that its micronutrients that are packed with
consumption decreased body fat mass, antioxidants. It has also been found to
percent body fat and WHR (Waist-Hip- inhibit the formation of new fat cells,
Ratio). mobilising fats and stimulating lipolysis, the
Additionally, this brew is like green tea breakdown of fats.
on steroids, with up to 90 percent more Much like black and green tea, white tea
powerful cancer-fighting antioxidants, is full of caffeine, stimulating the central
a cache of B vitamins, and plenty of nervous system, which then sends direct
chromium, which helps stabilize blood- signals to fat cells and helps them break
sugar levels. down.
How to drink it: Here is the link for those How to drink it: White tea leaves are
who enjoy the traditional ritual of brewing delicate. Boiling water can ruin the delicate
tea. flavour of white tea. Most experts agree that
how-to-prepare-yerba-mate; Yerba mate the ideal water temperature for white tea is -
invites you to experience a journey of tea 76 to 85 C.
brewing. For best results, bring the water to a rolling
For others, you can purchase the tea bags or boil and let it sit for up to one minute, then
tea balls and pour boiling water; steep for a pour the water over the leaves. Enjoy this
few minutes and savour each sip! fragrant delicate tea!
16. White Tea 17. Watermelon Juice
It’s full of antioxidants, vitamin B, potassium
and lycopene which reduces inflammation
and will give your body a nice, healthy kick.
Watermelon juice is also 97% water, which