Page 33 - Seniors Today - February Issue
P. 33

by forming a gel-like substance in the gut         honey to it and voila you drink is ready.
         to help you feel fuller for longer and these
         increased satiety levels may promote weight        21. Pineapple Juice
          Additionally, a 2017 review examined the
         effects of water-soluble gel-forming fibres
         like psyllium husk in the small intestine,
         the study suggested that gel-forming fibres
         may help facilitate weight loss as a result of
         improved metabolic health.
          Most people are able to tolerate psyllium
         well. However, people may notice some              Pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit is rich in
         cramping, gas, or bloating.                        nutrients which include calcium, potassium
         How to drink it: Add 5- 10 gms to room             as well as vitamin C and vitamin A.
         temperature water and drink immediately            Fresh pineapple is rich in bromelain, an
         as the granules start becoming a gel like          enzyme which may act as anti-inflammatory.
         consistency which is difficult to ingest.          Interestingly, pineapple fruits contain
                                                            eight phenolic compounds. These phenolic
         20. Cinnamon Bark / Dalchini Water                 compounds exhibit an antioxidant activity
                                                            and anti-inflammatory function as well
                                                            as play a significant role in  obesity and
                                                            dyslipidaemia (dyslipidaemia is an abnormal
                                                            level of cholesterol and other lipids, also
                                                            called fats, in the blood) treatment.
                                                             Studies suggest that pineapple juice could
                                                            be an actual anti-obesity candidate with no
                                                            obvious harmful effects.
                                                            How to drink it: Blend the fruit and drink
         Cinnamon bark (Dalchini in Hindi), known           200ml (with the fibre) per day.
         from ancient times in the Mediterranean
         region, Sri Lanka and India, has been used                           NOTES
         for cooking to provide flavour to curries and      If you are on any medication of experienc-
         other food items.                                  ing any form of illness, please consult your
          A significant decrease in body weight, total      doctor before embarking on the drinks-for-
         fat and abdominal fat has been noticed with        weight-loss journey.
         the use of 3 gm a day of cinnamon.
         How to drink it: You can simply pour               The outcome of the research and studies
         boiling hot water over a cinnamon stick            cited here clearly state that no single drink
         or 3-5 gm to cinnamon powder, and drink            or combination of drinks can be a miracle
         anytime through the day.                           or magic potion. These are suggested as an
          The combination of lemon, honey and               aid to help with weight loss, and individ-
         cinnamon is also good for weight loss -            ual metabolic parameters need to be given
         squeeze a  fresh lemon in it and add some          due consideration.

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