Page 18 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 18
it was this road (Srinagar–Kargil–Leh the lower Suru valley. The locals in that
spanning 434 kms) which was the lifeline area have very little means of lively hood
for all civilian and military traffic. and are mostly army contractors carrying
Pakistan could never get over the fact supplies from the base to the various
that India had occupied the heights of picquet’s dotting these high mountains
the Siachen glacier and has remained in all along the border. They knew the entire
control since then. Prior to 1984, neither area very well. This is the area between
India nor Pakistan had any permanent Kargil and Dras which is very close to the
presence in the area of Siachen. Most of the LoC. It was here when Tashi lost track of
Siachen Glacier as is the LoC, a disputed one Yak and while scanning the area with
territory between India and Pakistan. his binoculars to find it, was dismayed to
Located in one of the most strategic areas see some men in alien tribal attire (wearing
of the Karakoram range, it was very a Shalwar Kameez) walking high up on the
important for India to gain control of slopes. He sensed that these people were
this area to monitor the activities of the from across the border as the locals never
Pakistan and China. Pakistan has illegally dressed like this and the only other people
occupied large swaths of Kashmir and that far up on the hills were the Indian
in fact has further ceded a large area to army who would never be in anything but
China. The Siachen glacier overlooks their khakis. Tashi followed these people
that area and so it very important from from a safe distance and when he came
a military standpoint. The occupation of closer found that they had weapons too.
heights of Kargil and Dras was planned Being very suspicious, he decided that this
so as to take control of the road leading to needed to be reported back to the army
Siachen and thus choke India. authorities and ran back to the nearest
His report was found to be accurate and
the result was that Operation Vijay of
the Indian army was launched resulting
in flushing out the Pakistanis. It was
proved that the Pakistani Army was
masquerading as the tribals – a strategy
they had used in 1947 and then again in
1965 and yet again in 1971. It was not the
first time and I am sure it will not be the
last time.
The road below is clearly visible from Unfortunately, Tashi never did get any
these heights and hence traffic can easily recognition in terms of any awards or
be disrupted. Basically they wanted to take rewards from the Indian Government. The
control of Siachen by enforcing a blockade Army though did recognise his efforts and
of this road. helped him and his family in any way that
Tashi Namgyal - a local Yak herder, was it could. Fortunately, the real heroes don’t
minding his herd on the morning of May care about rewards and awards.
3 in the barren mountain slope high up in JAI HIND !