Page 14 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 14
destroyed by these animals. Baramulla, Kabailis astray were enough for the defense
based on the banks of the Jehlum river, was of Kashmir.
primarily a trading town with Kashmiri The raiders, after wandering on the
Pandits, Muslims and Sikhs besides a wrong path for some time, realized that
well-known convent with a fairly large they had been led astray, turned back and
population of priests and nuns. Old-timers wanted revenge. Maqbool had by that
say that Maqbool was seen mobilising the time managed to go to a small place some
locals by going around the town on his distance away, but was tracked down,
motorcycle. He saw the raiders plundering bound and dragged to Baramulla town.
the city and that spurred him to hold rallies This was to set an example for the other
rousing the people to unite to take on these Kashmiris patriots. He was tied to a pillar,
Kabailis. Apparently, the residents were so shot dead and later when the Indian Army
scared and scarred seeing all this looting, entered Baramulla his mutilated body
plundering and killing that they hid, but was found with 14 bullets. There was a
saw this young brave boy braving all this note denouncing him as a traitor whose
and not worried for his life. Seeing a local punishment was death.
citizen on streets, the so-called Kabailis The importance of Maqbool Sherwani’s
raiders asked him for the way to the airport. actions can be judged from the fact that that
It seems that they were told that the first when Indian army reached Srinagar, the
job they had after capturing the Baramulla raiders had just about reached the outskirts
town (you could say it was the entry to the of Srinagar — just a few milestones away
valley of Kashmir) was to capture Srinagar from Baramulla. Those crucial hours made
Airport as it was the only means for urgent all the difference as it could have cost the
deployment of the state security forces / entire Srinagar city.
Indian army in case the Maharaja asked for Maqbool Sherwani became an instant
assistance. Capturing the Srinagar airport hero – a martyr. The news of his heroics
was vital as it would mean that there was spread like wildfire uniting the Kashmiris
no other means of entering the valley thus against the Kabailis and started a popular
cutting it off from the rest of India. uprising. He became a catalyst and the local
Maqbool sized up the situation very resistance ultimately helped the Indian
swiftly and decided that the only way Army to drive these raiders back across
to delay and gain time was to lead them the Jehlum at Uri. They received the Indian
into nowhere. This is exactly what he did army very warmly at the airport and gave
by pointing the raiders into the wrong all possible assistance. A memorial still
direction totally. By this time, the Maharaja stands on the outskirts of Baramulla town
had learnt that the raiders who had earlier to this brave young lad.
over-run Domel and Uri were sponsored The battle of Shaltaing was planned to
by the state of Pakistan, and had asked hold the enemy away from Srinagar and if
the Indian government for assistance. possible push them back totally. The battle
Subsequently, the instrument of Accession took place on November 7, 1947 when
was signed which paved the way for the over 600 Pakistani raiders were killed.
Indian troops to land in Srinagar. The Thus began the pushback to Baramulla
crucial few hours in which Maqbool led the for liberation on 9 November. Uri was