Page 17 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 17

commander understood the gravity of
         the situation.  He immediately mobilised
         the unit with the lady herself leading the
         detachment through deep snow, extreme
         cold conditions and darkness to the
         hideout of the intruders. In the firefight
         which took place about 25 Pakistani army
         soldiers were captured, interrogated and
         the entire plot unraveled. It seems that a
         full battalion-size force of the enemy was
         soon going to attack through the thick
         jungles and narrow gorges hoping to have
         the element of surprise on their side. The
         Indians immediately mobilized the entire
         battalion and launched a counter-attack so
         that they now had the element of surprise.
         The threat was neutralised before the              smokescreen to the actual events planned
         Pakistanis could do anything. Thus the             by the Pakistani establishment. The
         entire of Poonch sector as well as the main        devious Pervez Musharaf had planned
         garrison was saved.                                meticulously a big stab in the back but did
          The army immediately acknowledged                 not contend with Indian resilience and
         the brave and gallant act of the simple            patriotism. Time and again the patriotism
         village lady, Mali and decided that having         of the residents of all three areas of state
         saved the prestige of the Indian army              of Jammu & Kashmir were questioned
         and the country per se, she should be              and this is what Musharaf banked upon.
         recognized and awarded. This was duly              Yet the Pakistani establishment did not
         recognized by the government and in 1972           contend that one person could totally
         Shrimati Mali was awarded the Padam                unravel their well laid-out plans. This
         Shri by the President of India V V Giri.           is what happened in two previous wars
         She got a citation and the customary Rs.           and this time around it was the simple
         10,000 which accompanies this prestigious          shepherd of Batalik (a remote border
         award. In getting this award she was the           village of the Kargil region) of Ladakh.
         first person from this small and nomadic            To understand the ground situation
         community of the Pir Panjal hills. A salute        better and appreciate the rugged terrain
         to this brave and patriotic lady.                  of the barren, rugged and bitterly cold
         -------------------------------------------------------  mountains, one has to visit the area to
         Tashi Namgyal – Kargil / Dras sector,              get an idea how vulnerable the Srinagar–
         1999                                               Kargil road is. This was earlier the only
         Everyone witnessed the bonhomie of                 lifeline to the massive inhospitable land
         the events with Pakistan which led to              mass of Kargil, Ladakh and Nubra. While
         the culmination of the bus diplomacy               there was another very basic road from
         by Prime Minster Atal Bihari Vajpayee.             Himachal (Manali, Lahoul areas) to Leh,
         The euphoric event was the perfect                 located close to the Aksai Chin plateau,

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #23 | MAY 2021                                                                17
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