Page 16 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 16

when she heard voices of men speaking
                                                            in a different language. With her hackles
                                                            up, she approached them very quietly and
                                                            cautiously so as to be undetected by anyone
                                                            who might be on the look-out. Peering
                                                            through the crack of a hut, she saw men
                                                            with weapons who seemed to be just getting
                                                            ready for action by cleaning their guns and
                                                            discussing the terrain around. Although
                                                            scared for her life, Mali had the presence
                                                            of mind to quietly withdraw and from a
                                                            safe distance quickly ran back to her house
         standpoint a very strategic area as it is the      to inform her men folk in the family. Her
         foothills of the Pir Panjal range bordering        brother warned her not to talk about this
         Pakistan. From 1947–48 onwards, the                with anyone as they could be in harm’s way
         Pakistani Army had been desperately                by these intruders.
         seeking to capture the area so as to choke          Not convinced about the explanation by
         the Kashmir valley from the western flank.         her family she then went to the village
         Just like the two earlier wars, in 1971 too        sarpanch hoping that he would take her
         they were very keen to capture this area           seriously and report the matter to the
         specially as the Indians controlled the            authorities and the army post located not
         strategic Hajipir Pass. This time around,          too far away. Incredulously, the sarpanch
         they wanted to try other tactics and for that      too thought it was far-fetched thinking
         they planned a very secretive special forces       of a sick lady. Later the sarpanch was
         operation to attack from the rear as well as       questioned and who said that knowing
         a frontal assault.                                 that it was war time, did not want to rake
          The Pakistan Army pushed and infiltrated          up seemingly questionable information
         a crack force into hiding deep into the            and divert resources of the security
         Indian territory with the orders to hide in        forces. Fortunately for India, this brave
         the deep jungles. Apparently, the advance          lady driven by patriotism, undaunted
         force arrived on December 13, 1971 and hid         in being branded a trouble-maker,
         themselves in Arai top and  Pillanwali. In         approached the nearest detachment of
         winters this area is covered in snow and it        ITBP not far away even though the route
         is very rare that locals including the Gujjars     was treacherous being covered in thick
         and Bakerwals venture out in this area.            and fresh snow. Mali could speak only
         Unfortunately for them a local village lady        the local language but could convey that
         ,Mali (a Bakerwal) had run out of fodder           some very suspicious people were in
         and could get that together through that           the mountains just above her dwelling.
         Pillanwali area. While approaching the             Fortunately, the unit incharge decided
         area, she noticed smoke coming out from            that this needed to be immediately
         two seemingly abandoned huts. Out of               reported and approached the nearest
         curiosity as to who could be out there at this     army post not too far away. The unit was
         time of the year, she went towards the huts        from a Sikh Battalion and fortunately the

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