Page 15 - Seniors Today - May21 Issue
P. 15

liberated on 11 November from the raiders          road in many different forms of transport
         by the Indian army.                                including an Ekka (two-seater) , a tonga
          Pakistan never could accept this young            (four-seater) both of these forms of
         man’s bravery and siding with the                  transport used to take about four days and
         Kashmiris and subsequently the Indian              with horse changes at different stages and
         state, that when they sponsored militancy          used to cost me about Rs. 10 for an Ekka.
         in the late 80’s, this monument was                My last ride using a Tonga on this road was
         desecrated in the initial months itself.           around 1927. It was a little later that a small
         The importance of his sacrifice was also           passenger bus (Cheverlot make 14 seater)
         highlighted by Mahatma Gandhi himself.             was introduced on this road & used to take
         The survivors of the horrific events related       14–16 hours each side. The Jehlum Valley
         some gruesome tales of killings, looting           road was mostly on the left bank of the
         and barbaric destruction. A few years              river from Kohala (the then border between
         later the whole scene was reconstructed in         British India and Jammu & Kashmir state)
         an audio-feature by the well-known AIR             and the major towns on the route were
         producer and my very good friend, Melville         Baramulla, Uri, Garhi, Domail, Kohala,
         DeMello titled “Rape of Baramulla” and             Murree and then Rawalpindi. When cars
         was reportedly played at the United                were introduced around 1929, the journey
         Nations during a debate on Kashmir in              time reduced to 12 hours and I remember
         1957. That radio feature brought tears to the      paying only 3 rupees from Rawalpindi
         eyes of Jawaharlal Nehru as well as many           to Srinagar. Uri was a major commercial
         others who heard about the depravity of            centre for walnuts, corn,ghee, and some
         the marauders. Since it had actual voice           other dry fruits. Domel was the customs
         recordings of foreigners including Father          barrier between the two states and all
         George Shanks, sisters and nuns of  St             imports & exports subject to customs duty
         Joseph Hospital and a few important locals         as scheduled from time to time. I vividly
         players of  the Pakistani depredations, it         remember the beautiful Dak (Tourist)
         made a forceful impact and strengthened            Bungalow on the river bank where the
         the Indian case at the UN.                         Khansamah produced delicious meals.
          Baramulla, 34 Miles from Srinagar on               March 1946 was the last time I traveled on
         the Sringar – Rawalpindi road was a                this road from Srinagar to Rawalpindi and
         thriving, commercial township of nearly            and further onwards to Sialkot and Jammu.
         14,000 inhabitants. All fruits produced            This was as the Srinagar / Banihal / Jammu
         in the Baramulla & Sopore belt used to             road (known as the Banihal cart road) was
         be brought to the town’s fruit mandi for           closed due to snowfall. On October 22, 1947,
         further transportation & distribution. One         the traffic on Jehlum Valley road came
         of the major halts on the Jhelum valley road       to an end after the Pakistani invasion on
         was this small yet picturesque town which          Muzzafarabad and no civilian transport
         was also the last town before leaving the          plied thereafter.
         Kashmir valley.                                     --------------------------------------------------
          All my life as a student in Kashmir, I used       Shrimati Mali – Poonch,1971
         to go for winter vacations to Rawalpindi           Poonch is a small province in Jammu region
         and Lahore. I have traveled along this             of the state and from an international

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