Page 14 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 14
not helping the business. There has to be
a strong fit between the organisational
strategy and the organisation culture. Let
me just give you an example: for a place
like AquaCentric, safety is very important.
Safety is crucial, in terms of safety and
hygiene. People should come here and feel
that, it’s a safe place for me to come. So that
means starting from the way we build the
place to the people we recruit and train.
Harsh Mariwala at a Marico Innovation Foundation event
Openness is another pillar of a culture
Cardio workout at AquaCentric where people should not be scared to open
Coming specifically to Marico, there’s a big up. If I want to talk to somebody three
spike in our sales whenever innovation levels below me, I don’t have to talk to
succeeded. I was very clear that I wanted his/ her boss. Everybody calls each other
to create an organisation which was by first name. And when you combine
innovative on a perpetual basis, not openness with trust, dialogues happen.
just one innovation and stop. So how do Innovations are not happening just in
you build an innovative culture in an R&D labs, innovations happen because
organisation, is a big challenge. How does you get ideas, and you want to explore
innovation happen? You need to have a with someone else. Then the idea develops
very diverse set of people first, because and then you prototype an experiment
diversity brings in innovation, it brings in and if it is successful, you scale it up. You
different thoughts. I’m not talking about encourage people to innovate and prototype
just gender diversity, I’m talking about and experiment. People know that when
diversity, whether it’s education diversity, I meet them, I’ll ask them a question on
or geographical diversity, including talent innovation. So there is a certain expectation
from outside India as they come from which is set in. And we have Innovation
different backgrounds, and they have a Awards in the organisation. All the
different way of thinking.. But merely innovations are celebrated at our annual
having diversity is not enough, you need event, which is a physical event conducted
to combine diversity in a culture which is at all our locations.
very open. We have innovation facilitators,