Page 16 - Seniors Today - July 2021 Issue
P. 16

You have to take some risk and you have            Q: Some top Indian homegrown
         to identify your strengths and areas which         entrepreneurs and business leaders
         will keep you occupied, because you can’t          like Ramesh Chauhan etc. have decided
         lead a completely purposeless life. So the         to opt out of the race and sell out to
         thing is to reinvent yourself and identify         multinationals. Is that something that
         your strengths based on which you can              you may consider?
         experiment. You will go through a learning         A: No way. I am a very strong believer in
         curve, fine tune and make changes every            perpetuity. Yes, there are entrepreneurs
         time you will not succeed. However, in your        who are hunters. They’ll build something,
         interest, you have to keep yourself mentally       sell it, hunt something else. And there are
         occupied. I love playing golf. But I can’t         farmers, perpetual farmers who would
         play golf every day.                               want their company to continue, even
         Q: Harsh Realities is the title of the book.       if they are not there. It is like Procter &
         Obviously, it’s a play on your first name.         Gamble. It was started by an individual,
         But what was the harshest reality that             but now it’s continuing on its own steam.
         you faced/ experienced in your life and            And that’s where I strongly believe that
         how did you win the challenge that it              the company should go, even if I’m not
         posed?                                             there tomorrow. I have built mechanisms
         A: Among the difficult moments I faced             through the Board, in terms of the
         in my life, I would say one is moving              organisation culture, purpose, strategy,
         from Bombay Oil to Marico. It took me              and I think the Board will play a very
         three years to convince family. It was not         important role going forward. It will be
         a financial separation but a management            an independent board, where if tomorrow
         separation because Bombay Oil had                  after a few years, if I’m not there, the
         different businesses and I was getting             company will continue. And the brands are
         stifled in the organisation because of so          very strong. I am quite sure that it’s there,
         many family members, not able to attract           for perpetuity.
         talent, lack of capital allocation policy. So
         it took three years, and I got all my cousins
         on board, and we had to convince my
         father and uncles. So to me, looking back,
         that has been the most important decision.
         If I had not done that, I would have been
         struggling, managing family battles.               The Marico range of products
         We had a battle with [Hindustan Uni]               Q: Through your journey, three values
         Lever, when they entered our segment               that you have seen personally that have
         and we decided to take them on. How we             held you through to where you are today?
         took them on and then ultimately how we            A: One is to have the right set of principles,
         bought their brand, was another area.              which includes integrity. I think it’s very
         Finally, when I stepped down from being            important, because that’s how you build
         MD and my adjusting to the new reality             a certain image of yourself. And image
         which, looking back, has been very good.           is very important, looking at it if you
                                                            want long-term success. You don’t want

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