Page 28 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 28


         A Fluid Situation

         Dr Nandini Saini writes about understanding dehydration and preventing it.

         Water is one of the most important                 Causes
         components of the body. The human body             Normal body functions
         is composed of about 75% water; our                Regular body functions like perspiring,
         skin, organs, even bones have water as a           urination and defecation cause water
         component. Water balance is maintained             depletion in the body. Minor functions like
         in the body by various mechanisms, and             salivation and crying also cause the body
         we replenish water by drinking more,               to lose water. Our body can easily replace
         whenever our body sends a signal (thirst).         this loss with the water we drink. However,
         Dehydration is a condition where the fluid         certain conditions can cause these regular
         output from the body is more than the              functions to lose excessive water, causing
         intake, which means you’re losing more             dehydration.
         fluids and water than you’re drinking.              Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can
         The body ceases to function normally and           cause you to lose water as well as salt and
         begins to show signs and symptoms which            electrolytes.
         should tell you that you’re dehydrated.             Frequent urination can also result in loss
         When you lose fluid, you also lose a little        of fluids and electrolytes from the body,
         salt and electrolytes, which would also need       causing dehydration.
         to be replaced.
          Infants and young children are most at            Outdoor activities
         risk of dehydration. However, certain              Exposure to sun or a high temperature
         conditions and circumstances can cause             for an extended period of time can cause
         water depletion in adults too.                     dehydration. Athletes, swimmers and

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