Page 29 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 29
people working outdoors, like builders and unable to consume fluids independently.
landscapers, can be at risk. Left unattended, they could get dehydrated.
Similarly, patients in a coma could suffer.
Inability to detect dehydration
As the body ages, its ability to detect fluid
depletion can also reduce. Seniors may not
realise they are dehydrated till it becomes a
severe problem.
Very often, it is simple neglect on our part,
such as ignoring thirst or abstaining from
fluids to avoid a visit to the washroom,
which can get us into a state of dehydration.
A high body temperature (over 101 degrees
F) causes you to perspire, possibly causing
dehydration. This is because the body, in an
attempt to lower temperature, loses fluids
and electrolytes through the skin.
Any disease which results in the body
throwing out fluids can cause dehydration.
Gastric diseases resulting in excessive Symptoms
vomiting or diarrhoea, which an individual Dehydration ranges from mild to severe,
is unable to replenish, would result in depending on the amount of fluid lost. One
dehydration. would start noticing symptoms after loss of
Excessive urination, due to infection, 2% fluid, or more. Loss of 5 % to 6 % fluid
diabetes or taking diuretics, could also would cause symptoms of mild to moderate
cause you to lose fluids. dehydration…15% or more is considered
Uncontrolled diabetes can cause severe and can prove fatal, if not treated in
dehydration due to UTI. time.
Injuries Mild to moderate:
Severe injuries to the skin, such as burns, 1. Polydipsia (Increased thirst)
infections, and conditions such as psoriasis This is one of the first symptoms of
damage the blood vessels and cause fluid dehydration. Unfortunately, it occurs
depletion through the skin surface. only after dehydration has occurred. Any
Inability to get water condition that causes fluid loss can trigger
At times, there is no access to potable excessive thirst. It can, however, be masked
water (in a desert, or hikes for example). in the elders, so it’s important to keep them
Eventually, the person would suffer hydrated, especially in sickness.
dehydration, if access to water is not 2. Food craving
available. Dehydration causes energy sources in the
Inability to consume water body to deplete. Also, it becomes difficult
Infants or geriatric patients are often for organs like the liver to process and use