Page 30 - Seniors Today - August 21 Issue
P. 30
stored glucose in the body. As a result, the 9. Nausea
body craves food, especially sweets. Dehydration can cause nausea and
3. Dry mouth vomiting, which in turn increases the fluid
Reduced fluid in the body results in loss, forming a viscous cycle.
reduced formation of saliva in the mouth, 10. Muscle cramps
causing dryness. People often describe it as Extreme heat, while causing dehydration,
cotton in the mouth. also causes the muscles to seize up,
4. Halitosis (Bad breath) resulting in painful cramps in the calves.
Loss of fluid in the mouth causes saliva Loss of electrolytes can further worsen the
to reduce, resulting in an increase in the condition.
bacteria, hence the halitosis. 11. Dizziness
5. Fatigue (Tired or sleepy) The brain is made up of 73% water;
Most people complain of fatigue, tiredness reduction of fluid can, therefore affect the
when they are dehydrated. This is due to brain, causing dizziness in patients. It can
the drop in BP as well as loss of electrolytes. also get compounded by low BP and the
reduction of blood flow to the brain due to
low volume of fluid.
12. Few or no tears
When you lose fluids, the body diverts the
balance fluid to organs which need it more.
This causes reduction in tears.
13. Constipation
Water is important to maintain a normal
bowel movement, to keep the waste moving
in the GIT. Dehydration will cause the
6. Decreased urine output waste to back up, causing hard, lumpy
Urine is low in volume and more yellowish stools that are difficult to evacuate.
to amber in colour. This should tell you 14. Impaired brain functions
that you could be dehydrated; the colour of Dehydration can cause a person to act
urine in a hydrated person is clear to light confused and disoriented, loss of memory
yellow. and coordination. It is known to affect
7. Headache driving, like crossing lanes without
A headache is a common symptom of realizing or failing to brake in time.
dehydration, very similar to a migraine. It Severe:
occurs because the brain cells temporarily 1. Decreased urine output
shrink in response to fluid depletion. Also, Severe dehydration results in severely
blood vessels dilate in an attempt to provide decreased or no urine output. The urine,
enough fluid and oxygen to the brain. if any, produced is concentrated and dark
8. Dry skin colored.
The skin loses water due to heat as well 2. Hypotension
as cold. It can become rough and flaky, Blood has fluid as a major constituent…
shriveled, flushed, cold and clammy. The fluid reduction can cause blood pressure
elasticity is lost. to drop, especially when the person tries to