Page 12 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 12
AVM, then endovascular embolisation may be
done or surgical excision
Life and Hope after Stroke
The brain is an extremely complex organ that
controls various body functions. If blood flow to
a certain region is stopped, the particular body
function that part of the brain controls will not
work, or not as it should. Also, because one side
of the brain controls the opposite side of body,
a stroke on one side will affect the opposite
side. The commonest effect is paralysis of the
arm and leg on one side. If the speech area of
the brain is affected, speech may be jumbled,
fragmented or impossible to understand.
There may be trouble in getting words out,
finding words, understanding what others say,
problems with reading, writing, inability to
process words. In addition to loss of function
this leads to frustration, confusion, depression,
anger and sadness.
After sucking out clot and placing stent
However, there is life and hope after stroke.
Though stroke will change your life in an
instant, quality of rehabilitation can help you
recover close to your full potential.
This is very important as it can help you build
your strength, capability and confidence,
Vessel is now fully open. Sucked out fatty plaque in cage and help you continue your daily activities
of onset of stroke, for certain regions up to 4.5 despite the effects of stroke. You may need to
hours. If there is block in a major vessel then relearn or change how you live day to day for
the clot-busting drug may be used, but as the the most basic things in life such as dressing,
clot is usually large, the clot-busting drug eating, speaking etc. The goal of rehabilitation
may not dissolve the clot totally; in these cases is to become as independent as possible. But
mechanical thrombectomy is indicated. A rehabilitation comes from a combined effort
catheter is passed from the groin to the block in by you, your loved ones and health care
the major artery, a small cage on a wire is passed professionals. Both play an important role.
through the catheter and the clot is sucked out Healthcare professionals involved with rehab
into the basket. This should be done within six are essentially therapist and counsellors.
hours of onset of stroke, some may benefit even Caregivers are very important as patient and
within 24 hours of onset of stroke. caregiver need to be care partners. Patience
If there is a haemorhagic stroke, the key is and emotional support are very important
controlling blood pressure, if it is due to blood components for caregivers. Stroke survivors feel
thinners, medications may be given to try tired as they have to work harder to make up for
and reduce the blood thinning, if due to an the loss of normal functions, and they usually
aneurysm then an endovascular procedure such have lack of energy and lack of motivation.
as coiling or surgical clipping may be done. If Rehabilitation should focus on