Page 9 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 9

Rupture of blood vessel                               Aneurysm : weakening of wall of artery causing
                                                              outpouching and its rupture
        action can minimise damage to the brain tissue        Other causes are a weak spot in the wall of a
        as well as complications.                             brain artery known as an aneurysm. The wall
         In a stroke, the arteries carrying blood to the      bulges out into a thin bubble, as it gets bigger
        brain are affected. There are two different types     the wall may weaken and bursts. Another
        of strokes, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.         cause is rupture of a small tangle of thin walled
        Ischemic stroke is the most common, accounting        abnormal vessels known as an arteriovenous
        for 80 per cent of strokes. In an ischemic stroke,    malformation or over treatment/side effect
        arteries carrying blood to the brain get blocked.     of blood thinners. There are two types of
        The brain tissue supplied by this blocked artery      hemorrhagic stroke - intracerebral haemorrhage
        gets damaged. There are two main causes for           when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and
        ischemic stroke - a thrombotic or embolic stroke.     spills into surrounding brain tissue damaging
        In a thrombotic stroke, there is deposition of        brain cells and the other type is subarachnoid
        fatty material in the arteries supplying the brain    haemorrhage where an artery near surface
        especially in individuals with a high blood           of brain bursts and spills into space between
        cholesterol level]. This fatty material plaque        surface of brain and skull.
        narrows the blood vessel and finally obstructs        Effects of a Stroke
        it blocking blood from reaching the brain. This
        most likely happens in the neck at a site known
        as carotid bifurcation or within the brain. An
        embolic stroke occurs usually as a result of
        a blood clot in the heart which is propelled
        upwards into the blood vessels supplying the
        brain to cause obstruction of the artery. It may
        also occur if a piece of fatty plaque in the neck
        arteries plaque breaks off and extends forward
        to block the arteries in the brain.
         The second type of stroke is a haemorrhagic
        stroke, where blood vessels in the brain may
        burst. This occurs when a blood vessel in the
        brain bursts and spills blood into the brain
        tissue. There are many causes which make
        a blood vessel wall weak to burst. The most
        common reason is due to high blood pressure.

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