Page 11 - Seniors Today - Oct 2019
P. 11

if there is hemorrhage due to bursting of a blood
                                                              vessel. If there is no haemorrhage, then an MRI
                                                              is required to be performed immediately as it is
                                                              very sensitive in demonstration of brain damage
                                                              due to reduced blood supply.
                                                               The MRI will in the first minute itself tell
                                                              conclusively if there is a stroke and the extent
                                                              of damage. Once this is determined, the blood
                                                              vessels are imaged, a process known as MR
                                                              angiography. This maps the blood vessels from
                                                              the heart to the minute vessels in the brain.
                                                              This also does not require any dye, and takes
                                                              about ten minutes. Care should be taken that
                                                              the patient does not have a pacemaker as this
                                                              is a contraindication for MRI. The MRI will
                                                              demonstrate the extent of brain damage, as
                                                              well as also if a major vessel is blocked. These
                                                              pieces of information are very important in
        Ischemic stroke - MRI shows area of brain damage due to
        blocked artery as white area                          determining the treatment. If there is no major
        of a stroke (within eight hours of stroke onset).     blockage of the vessels and no haemorrhage or
        After the thrombus removal by Dr Nishant              contraindications, a clot-busting drug known
        Aditya, Neuro Interventionist at the Breach           as Alteplase r-tPA is given intravenously. This
        Candy Hospital, robust blood flow to brain is         works by dissolving the clot and improving
        restored.                                             blood flow.
         Within 24 hours he recovered completely. His          It must be administered within three hours
        speech, left side power and balance returned to
        normal. On the sixth day, he went back home
        and the Mehtas resumed their itinerary.
         Says Mr Mehta: “It was a life-changing
        experience. With urgent and diligent care by the
        team of doctors at Breach Candy, I was able to
        resume my social and business life in 10 days.
        Without this effort I would have lost my active
        life. Thank you again, doctors!”

        Dramatic Changes in Diagnosis
        Recent advances in diagnosis and therapeutics
        of stroke over the last decade have dramatically
        changed the outcome and survival of stroke
        patients. To determine the appropriate
        treatment, the type of stroke has to be
        determined as well as the regions of the brain
        affected and the extent of damage. The best
        initial modality is a CT Scan.
         This a computerised X-ray machine which will
        quickly scan your brain under a minute. All the
        patient has to do is lie down on the table; there is   Blocked artery in neck with mechanical thrombectomy-
        no dye injection required. The CT scan will tell      Angiogram shows narrowed vessel

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