Page 30 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 30
It’s time we acknowledge
Mental Health issues
Making ourselves aware of the various conditions is the need of the day,
writes Dr Nandini Saini
Mental illness is a part of our society and it’s in families.
time we acknowledge it. It affects all of us to Of course, having a gene does NOT mean
some extent, at some point in our lives. No that you WILL get the disorder. Similarly;
one is exempt, not children, not seniors. not having the gene doesn’t protect you from
According to the WHO, mental health them.
is more than just the absence of mental Incidents at developmentally important
disease. It is the ability of an individual to stages
make decisions, manage stress, and realise Childhood trauma, such as child abuse,
their potential. It dictates how one thinks, separation, loss of a parent, can affect mental
acts, behaves. It allows them to have health, leaving a person vulnerable to mental
healthy relationships. It is an important disturbances.
component of one’s socio economic growth Flexible factors – such as occupation,
and wellbeing. education and housing situation.
It’s a basic human right of every person. An occupation with limited income, lack
of adequate education, unsafe staying
Factors determining mental health conditions can all lead to various mental
Genetics and biological factors disorders.
Research shows that certain genes, if Inflexible factors – such as gender and age.
dominant, can predispose you to mental Research has found that women are 4 times
disturbances. Mental disturbances also run more at risk of developing unhealthy mental