Page 31 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 31

state. Similarly, mental disorders have been        Sleeplessness
        noticed in people of low socio economic
        Drug or alcohol abuse
        Excessive use of certain drugs or alcohol
        can trigger mental illnesses like depression.
        Drugs like cocaine or marijuana, if used in
        excess could cause paranoia.
        Trauma and stress
        Stress due to work, difficult relationships
        can all lead a person into anxiety or               Staying awake for long durations, or
        depressive states. Trauma, either in                inadequate sleep can lead to stress, a form of
        childhood or as adults, can cause conditions        mental disorder. The stress, in turn, makes
        like PTSD.                                          one even more sleepless, forming a vicious
        Long working hours                                  cycle.
        Long working hours seem to have become              Insufficient nutrients
        a part of our lives, a fact we accept without       Omega 3, a fatty acid found in oily fish, olive
        question. Monetary requirements, our                oil and flaxseeds, is known to maintain and
        personal needs, all make us work longer;            change the cell and membrane structure
        however, we do not take into account the            in the brain, helping in brain and mental
        toll it takes on us and our families. The           health. It acts as an anti-depressant.
        pressure of balancing work with a social
        life can lead to depression and anxiety             Types of mental disturbances:
        disorders.                                          Anxiety
          Studies have shown that people working            The most common type, it leaves people in
        50 to 60 hours a week tend to have more             fear of certain things or situations. It is an
        health issues, both physical and mental,            umbrella term, covering different forms of
        than those working 30 to 40 hours.                  anxiety, such as
        Protein deficiency                                  1. Panic disorder.
        Amino acids such as tyrosine and                    People suffering from panic disorder will
        phenylalanine are the building blocks               get sudden panic attacks – an intense,
        of proteins. These are required for the             crippling fear or loss of control over self,
        synthesis of dopamine, the hormone                  even when there is no reason to do so. They
        responsible for mood control. A low protein         can be as frequent as several times a day, or
        intake will therefore affect the mental             may not occur for months. People go to great
        health adversely.                                   lengths to avoid situations which could
        Poor diet                                           bring on an attack.
        Mental health and diet are closely                  Some of the symptoms described by people
        associated to each other. Not just what we          are – pounding heart, trembling, and
        eat, but our meal times, also affects health.       excessive perspiration.
          Research shows that a diet rich in fruits,        2. Phobia
        vegetables, fish is associated with a reduced       An intense fear of an object or situation,
        risk of depression.                                 often out of proportion to the actual danger.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #46 | APRIL 2023                                                              31
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