Page 34 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 34
once in a while. which helps to manage mood swings, fight
Don’t hesitate to ask for help depression.
If you are finding it difficult to manage Whole grains
your condition, or it is worsening due to Containing complex carbohydrates, whole
circumstances, please reach out for help. grains are a source of steady energy for the
Consulting a medical professional is brain, and don’t cause a spike in the sugar
sometimes the best and the only recourse levels. They also help the brain in absorbing
that helps. tryptophan, which boosts brain function,
Diet and mental health and reduces chances and symptoms of
We’ve all been told that a healthy diet is anxiety and depression. It also aids in
important for a healthy constitution. What maintaining a steady sleep cycle.
most of us don’t realise is how necessary it is Spinach
for our mental health. Spinach, as well as other green, leafy,
There’s a special link between the brain vegetables, is a good source of folic acid,
and the gut (also called second brain). The a micronutrient known to help fight
probiotics present in the gut stimulate depression. It also reduces insomnia, in
the production of certain chemicals like turn preventing mental illnesses linked to
dopamine and serotonin, which are sleeplessness.
beneficial for mental health. Yoghurt
A few things we need to include in our diet Yoghurt is known to improve the probiotics
are: in the gut, which, as we know, is linked to
Proteins – especially lean proteins are healthy brain function, as well as reducing
known to stimulate dopamine production, depression and anxiety.
which helps in controlling the moods. They Olive oil
also are a good source of energy. Considered as one of the healthier oils,
Fatty acids - like omega 3 help in cell olive oil is rich in omega 3 and Vit E, which
regeneration, keeping the brain and mind reduce symptoms of mental illnesses. It also
healthy. contains polyphenols, which slow down the
Complex carbs – They increase the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.
secretion of serotonin, which is known to
have a calming effect on the mind. Nuts
Foods to eat High in protein and omega 3 fatty acids,
A few foods that is good for mental health
Fish is always considered as a healthy food,
Salmon is one of the best choices. It is very
very rich in omega 3 fatty acids and Vit D,
which help reduce chances of depression
and diminishes anxiety levels.
Chicken, being a good source of lean protein,
also has a high content of tryptophan, nuts help in fighting depression. They help
associated with the production of serotonin, oxygenate the blood and brain, enhancing