Page 32 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 32

Some of the phobias are –                          person’s emotional state. It causes extreme
         Specific – fear of a particular object or          mood swings, ranging from happiness to
         situation, such as heights or flying.              sadness, sometimes anger and irritation.
         Social anxiety disorder – Fear of facing
         society or performances. Those suffering            The two major mood disorders are:
         from this phobia fear being judged or seen in      1. Clinical Depression
         a negative light, embarrassing them.               The most common mood disorder, this
         Agoraphobia – fear of open spaces,                 leaves people feeling hopeless and sad, often
         being alone outside the house, public              affecting their eating and sleeping habits.
         transportation. In severe cases, the person is     2. Bipolar disorder
         unable to leave the home at all.                   This disorder causes wide fluctuations in
         3. Generalised anxiety disorder                    moods – a sense of extreme happiness (
         A persistent fear or anxiety, which stays for      manic) to a state of extreme depression (
         months, if not years. It can sometimes be          depressive). It also causes extreme changes
         crippling enough to interfere with daily life.     in a person’s thoughts and behaviour.
         Symptoms include – a feeling of                    Schizoaffective disorder
         restlessness, insomnia, headaches, body            People affected by this shows dominant
         ache, and lethargy.                                symptoms of schizophrenia- such as
         OCD                                                hallucinations, delusions and disorganized
         Obsessive compulsive disorder is a chronic         thinking, along with symptoms of a mood
         condition characterized by uncontrollable          disorder – such as mania or depression.
         thoughts (obsessions) or certain actions           It is relatively rare, with men showing
         (compulsions), which are often repetitive.         symptoms at a younger age than women.
         The condition could be mild or severe              Personality disorder
         enough to interfere with their daily routine.      A form of disorder in which a person has
         Symptoms include – unbidden thoughts , of          a very rigid, extreme and dysfunctional
         incidences, people, aggression, fear of germs,     manner of thought and behaviour, with
         a habit of arranging things in a particular        difficulty adjusting to social situations and
         order, compulsive hand washing.                    people.  They tend to begin in the teens.
         PTSD                                               Eating disorder
         Post traumatic disorder is triggered by            These are a severe type of mental disorder,
         a traumatic event that one has either              where the person develops an unhealthy
         experienced or witnessed…such as an                relationship with food. The affected person
         accident or war. It can affect a person within     is usually concerned about the body weight
         a month of the incident, though bin some           and body shape.
         cases, it could be years before symptoms            Symptoms include excessive overeating
         appear. Severe cases can interfere in a            (binge eating disorder), vomiting after
         person’s day to day life.                          eating excessively (bulimia) or avoiding
         Symptoms include – flashbacks,                     food whenever possible (anorexia). People
         nightmares, a sense of hopelessness, lack of       experience intense insecurity about
         interest, suicidal thoughts.                       their weight, imagining themselves to be
         Mood disorders                                     overweight.
         A mental health disorder that affects a            Ways of improving

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