Page 33 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 33
Love yourself to achieve. Don’t try to overdo, it can just
Treat yourself with respect; stop indulging aggravate the condition.
in self-criticism. Carve out time to do things
that make you happy, it’ll go a long way in Exercise regularly
maintaining your health, both physical and
Don’t isolate yourself
Its important to be connected with people
who know and love you – spend time with
family as well as friends. Arrange the
occasional family get together, attend school
re unions.
Take care of your body
Treat your body like a temple, nourish it,
and pamper it. A healthy body does wonders Exercising even for a short time can
for your self-confidence. stimulate the production of hormones that
Learn to relax elevate mood. A 30 minute walk daily, a
Train yourself to relax, detach yourself from quick workout, swimming, all help to relieve
situations which affect your mental health. the mind.
Try meditation and breathing exercises. Keep a positive attitude
Did you know that laughter therapy can be Mental disturbances tend to make you think
wonderful for managing stress and anxiety? negative thoughts, which aggravate the
Don’t be monotonous condition even more. Try to get a positive
Following a routine is good, being perspective, concentrate on things that cheer
monotonous is not. Incorporate small you up.
changes in your day, so there’s something to Express gratitude
look forward to. Take a new route to work, Keep a gratitude book, note down one thing
visit a garden, and try a new cuisine. you’re thankful for, every day. Reading the
Deal with stress book when you’re feeling low can be a good
It’s easier said than done, but stress is a part booster.
of everyone’s lives, and has to be dealt with. Learn new skills
Meditation helps. So does pursuing a hobby, Challenge yourself, once in a while. Put
such as painting or cooking. Try to find the the thinking skills to work. Take up a new
silver lining in the cloud. hobby, learn a new language, and try your
Avoid drugs and alcohol hand at an art activity, such as painting or
Many turn to alcohol and other recreational gardening. It can be very therapeutic.
drugs as a remedy to their mental illness, but Say NO, once in a while
these only worsen the condition, especially Managing a personal and a professional
as their effect wears off. Self medicating can life can be difficult sometimes, and we
be dangerous. end up feeling guilty and anxious at the
Set achievable goals thought of balancing both. Understand your
Changes don’t happen in a day, whether it’s limitations; no one can manage everything,
your routine or diet. Set small goals, easier be everywhere, all the time. It’s OK to say no