Page 35 - Seniorstoday April 2023 Issue
P. 35
brain function. Mental health awareness is an important
Almonds help in the production of programme, a move to educate people as
phenylalanine, stimulating the production to the importance of seeking the help they
of dopamine, which controls mood swings. need, without hesitation.
Walnuts are known for their anti-oxidant
action. They also help in the growth of new How does it help?
neurons, which are essential for sound 1. IT helps you to understand your
mental health. symptoms. It gives a name to the problems
Tomatoes you’re going through, and a positive way to
Lycopene, a carotenoid responsible for go forward and tackle them.
the red color we see in tomatoes, is a 2. It encourages you to talk about your
phenomenal health booster, helps in problems with others, a friend, a family
arresting the progress of Alzheimer’s. It also member, even a mental health professional.
helps boost memory. Please understand, confiding in someone,
Dark chocolate opening up about your problems, is a big
Containing very high levels of flavonoids, step towards recovery, and helps alleviate
it’s known as a mood enhancer. It also your symptoms.
boosts memory. Being an excellent 3. It imparts knowledge about mental
antioxidant, it helps fight major mental illnesses and makes people surrounding
illnesses liker bipolar disorder and OCD. you- family, friends, - empathise with you.
It’s very important that people recognize
Mental health awareness mental illness for what it is, and stop
Mental health has always been a treating it like a stigma.
controversial topic in society. Fear of being Making ourselves aware of the various
shamed or ostracized prevents people from conditions, recognising that we, or someone
talking about their problems, or seeking around us, is suffering, and getting them the
health. help they need is the need of the day.