Page 15 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 15
no telephone numbers or address that favours, ask them for time to think about it
they could contact to trace their only instead of agreeing straight away. Buying
beloved son….they finally ended up in time will reduce the burden and provide
an old age home in Pune. The father died the space to say no if you must! And do not
a broken man… followed by the mother hesitate to say NO.
some months later. What was their crime? Let adult kids grow up and manage their
Where had they gone wrong? Why did lives, their finances, their families on
they not see the signs? Why did they trust their own… help them to become better
blindfolded? Why, Why, Why? functioning adults!! A piece of sane
So, where does this put us? advice…When an adult child asks for a
Do not let children push the button that favour from babysitting their child… to
triggers your need for acceptance and asking for money… or anything else… the
attention from them. If you are willing to standard answer should be: “Let me think
say no, just do so. Emotions of fear, hope, about it and come back to you.” Do not
guilt, remorse, or threat should not direct force yourself to agree immediately… at
your feelings. least you have made room to say NO, if you
Lastly, remember that you are the sole have to!
owner of what you have earned in your To sum up in the words of Abigail Van
lifetime and being your children does not Buren: “If you want your children to turn
give them the right to your assets and out well, spend twice as much time with
money. You may use it for your retirement, them, and half as much money!” Money is
or secure your grandchildren’s future with a life skill - and as parents, grandparents,
it, or even give it out in charity - you have interested adults – it is up to us to make
the right to spend it anyway. sure our children are prepared for the
The bottom line is: If you have got a financial world they are going to face!
grown-up kid who asks for financial Thank you!