Page 17 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 17

Within a few minutes of that, another mail         package sent to Russia in his name, saying
         comes in asking for an additional amount of        it was intercepted at the customs and being
         Rs. 17,571. Sharad transfers that amount too       returned since it contained banned drugs.
         to the bank account. Sharad is feeling good        The FedEx agent goes on to tell Prakash
         that he has helped his friend and messages         that he will transfer the call to the police
         his friend on his WA giving him the details        and he is free to explain to them directly.
         of the transfers and inquires if he was able       They also wanted to check his bank account
         to clear the shipment of medicines from the        to check for any credits from nefarious
         customs. Sharad’s friend is shocked to hear        sources and ask him to transfer the monies
         this and tells him that he has not asked for       so that they can check the source of the
         any help and that his mail had been hacked         funds and if they are genuine the amounts
         into a few months ago. His friend further          will be re-transferred to his bank account.
         said that if at all he was in such a situation,    All these conversations lead to Sharad
         he would have called him up or Sharad              transferring nearly Rs. 8 lakhs in moments
         should have called him up before falling           in a charged atmosphere of fear and threats
         prey and transferring such large amounts           over the blurred video call.  Further
         based on a mail. Sharad was crestfallen.           transfers thankfully stopped only because
         He had acted in good faith since the e-mail        his bank was alert and noticed unusual
         carried his friend’s known mail id. Sharad         transfers and blocked his bank account.
         lodged a complaint with the cyber crime            Sharad, a clean as a whistle professional
         helpline number and also wrote to the              and a highly intelligent career government
         receiving bank about their faulty due              employee, was significantly relieved of a
         diligence systems and how they could allow         sizeable amount from his retirement kitty
         scamsters to open fraudulent accounts. His         and is ruing what happened. He has no
         prompt action of reporting the crime to the        explanation for why he did what he did and
         cybercrime cell and also writing to the bank       has withdrawn into a shell.
         helped his cause and the bank obliged by            The other day one came across a news
         refunding the amounts to Sharad to protect         article in the papers about a businessman
         their public image of a safe bank. Sharad          getting a call from a cop saying that
         was lucky to get his money back.                   his son has been retained in Dubai for
                                                            being found with some banned items
                                                            and to secure his release he has to pay a
                                                            fine of 15,000 dirhams. The cop did not
                                                            even allow him to speak to his son. The
                                                            businessman immediately paid up the
                                                            money by scanning a QR code, fearing for
                                                            the wellbeing of his son. Later that evening
                                                            he found out that he had been tricked when
                                                            he called up his son to find out if he was
                                                            alright and found that he was safe and
          Prakash, a retired senior government              secure and that he had not been travelling
         technologist, gets a video call the other          at all nor was he ever detained at the  Dubai
         day claiming to be from FedEx, about a             customs.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #58 | APRIL 2024                                                              17
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