Page 12 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 12

While the Gilbert case is an extreme              a job in a small mining town hundreds
         example, it speaks of a common dilemma             of miles away, the son continued asking
         for parents with money to spare: When              his parents for money to cover housing
         and how much should they give to an                costs, prescriptions for illnesses he said he
         adult child who comes asking for money -           and his wife had, and bills related to their
         especially one who is able-bodied and well-        disabled child. But years later, when the
         educated? How long should any financial            elderly parents were finally able to make
         help last? And should it be a gift, loan or        their first - surprise - visit to the town, they
         advance on an inheritance?                         were shocked to discover a lavish, well-
                                                            furnished home, shiny new cars in the
                                                            driveway and a live-in nanny, who told
                                                          Image courtesy: New York Post  healthy, both had high-paying jobs and
                                                            them the couple was in Puerto Rico for a
                                                            10-day cruise. The young parents were

                                                            their child was not disabled. The parents
                                                            felt duped and immediately cut their son
                                                            out of their will.
                                                             Experts see some needs, like education,
         Thomas Gilbert shot his father for cutting his allowance   as a compelling area for giving money to
         of $1000
                                                            children. Paying for college tuition can
          Legal experts caution parents to carefully        be an investment in a child’s long-term
         scrutinize the need for the money and how          employment future.
         it could affect the child’s long-term ability       But how should parents handle the
         to live, work and succeed in the world.            growing number of young people,
          Money is a metaphor for love and control.         especially millennials, who are staying
         The biggest challenge is providing enough          home longer, marrying later - if at all - and
         money to help a child through a challenge,         relying on their parents for free rent, food,
         but not giving to the point where it kills the     and car insurance?
         person’s motivation to work and succeed!            This basically is creating a dependency!
          If money is needed for an urgent matter            Parents should not allow their adult
         - like emergency surgery, medical bills, a         children to live rent-free without any
         lost job, house foreclosure or costly divorce      deadlines and not to pay an allowance
         - it’s a no-brainer: parents should help in        without any strings attached. We do not
         such situations as long as they can afford         want another Tommy Gilbert situation!
         it. You are rescuing them temporarily; you
         are not indulging them forever and putting
         them on your payroll.
          But even then, parents should do a little
         due diligence first. You must be careful not                                                        Image courtesy: The Economic Times
         to be taken advantage of by a child. There
         is a story of an older couple whose only
         child had a college degree in geology but
         struggled to find work. Even after taking

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