Page 18 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 18

The above instances are real life cases and       • Stop having personal conversations with
         three of those have happened to people             unknown people in any social media, be it
         who are known to the writer. Interestingly,        Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn or any
         all the affected people are well-educated,         other; many stalkers and trolls abound in
         highly successful and worldly wise. It does        these social streets
         beg the adage, “a fool and his money are           • Do not answer any calls from unknown
         soon parted”. In today’s technology world,         numbers
         quite simply even the wise can get fooled          • Do not panic when you get the wrong
         into parting with their money.                     type of calls; just a simple action of
          The free availability of personal                 disconnecting the call may send out the
         information, easy access to technology,            signal that you are smart
         the ubiquitous digital presence and social         • Do not access any unknown or suspicious
         media interactions makes almost everyone           links or websites
         vulnerable and a victim-in-waiting - from          • Do not assume all e-mails are genuine.
         teens to seniors, from students to teachers,       Many are not and are spams
         from fools to the intelligent, from tech savvy  • Do not indiscriminately link your bank
         to tech dinosaurs, from men to women,              accounts to all UPI applications
         from doctors to scientists, from lawyers to        -If at all you need to  use mobile wallets,
         consultants.                                       limit the balances that you retain in the
          While there are no definitive safeguards          wallets at any time.
         against these types of frauds, some                -Put a mental monetary limit on every
         commonsensical approach can help                   wallet transaction
         mitigate or stave off becoming a victim and        -If you need to link the wallet to your
         poorer. It will be worth taking the following      bank account, ensure that only the bare
         illustrative precautions.                          minimum bank balance is kept in the bank;
                                                            this will limit exposure to frauds.
         DONTS                                              • Never shy away from consulting a friend
         • Stop sharing personal information in             or a family when faced with such situations,
         public domain                                      before your rush into transferring any
         • Stop downloading banking and                     money
         investment apps on your mobile                     • Be curious about technology and how it
         -If your mobile gets stolen, the cons will         can be an enabler as well as a threat; read
         get easy access to your wealth                     and learn about safeguards and precautions
         - No matter what the banks or anyone               to be taken.
         says, the apps are never safe enough. Use          • Use the Cybercrime helpline like 1940
         your home computer, if at all.                     and Cybercrime cell of the police to lodge
         • Stop storing passwords, username, etc in         complaints immediately on occurrence of a
         your mobile, however cryptic and safe you          fraud or a scam.
         may feel it is                                     Next time when your doorbell rings, use
         • The cheats tend to be more tech savvy            the peep hole. Don’t jump to open the door.
         than you can imagine                               Same with the cyber world and the social
         • Stop accepting friend requests from any          space. Be wary of where you enter and what
         and sundry; be choosy and circumspect              you let in. Lest you be coaxed into a hoax !

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