Page 32 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 32

Elevate                                            slightly tricky.
                                                             On Elevate, you’ll find a multitude of
                                                            games under each category, from brevity
                                                            and error avoidance to expression and
                                                            clarity. For instance, if you’re looking to
                                                            expand your vocabulary, there’s a game
                                                            where the name of a new word is displayed,
                                                            and you have to choose the right meaning
                                                            from the options below. You’ll find this app
                                                            on both Android and iOS devices.


                                                            Neuroscience experts have come together
          Elevate’s games put emphasis on                   to design Peak’s mini-games, which
         speaking, writing, reading, and listening          challenge memory, attention, problem-
         over speed and problem-solving. This               solving abilities, mental agility, and more.
         means you’ll read text, rid your sentences         The biggest motivator on this app is Coach,
         of grammatical errors, and broaden your            your personal brain trainer. Coach tracks
         vocabulary. While the games are short,             your progress, ensures you’re being
         they’re certainly addictive and help power         adequately challenged with the right brain
         your brain to improve your verbal and              workouts, and helps you in areas that need
         written skills.                                    improvement.
          Unlike Lumosity’s muted design, Elevate            The app features an aesthetic look, with
         is bright and blaring. You’ll notice this          smooth transitions and understated and
         in the games in particular, as Elevate             minimal colours. You’ll earn points with
         displays more animated figures than the            every game you play, which will add
         minimalistic objects in Lumosity.                  towards your daily goal. To assess your
          With Elevate, you can track your progress         progress via statistics and graphs, you can
         with every game and compare your results           head over to the performance tab in the
         with peers, adding a competitive edge.             application.
         However, it doesn’t display an overall             The Peak app offers a one-week free trial
         score for daily sessions. And since this app       that gives you unlimited access to all 43
         is designed for those already skilled in the       games. After that, you must pay Rs.600
         English language, beginners might find it          per year.

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