Page 29 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
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and taking a short walk can help trigger           hippocampus, typically begins to shrink
         ideas. A Stanford University study found           in late adulthood, leading not only to
         “creative output increased 60 percent when         impaired memory but also an increased
         participants were walking,” even on a              risk of dementia. The research revealed that
         treadmill facing a blank wall.                     aerobic exercise increases the size of the

                                                            5. Walking may decrease brain-damaging
                                                            Repeated exposure to stressful situations
         3. Walking may enhance your mood.                  impairs memory, attention and cognitive
         When you walk, increased blood flow to the         flexibility. Walking in nature has been
         brain initiates a “cascade of changes,” says       shown to be particularly effective at
         Marie Pasinski, M.D., assistant professor          reducing stress levels. The impact of
         of neurology at Harvard Medical School.            being outdoors may have to do with “optic
         “A cocktail of feel-good neurotransmitters         flow” — the perception that objects are
         — serotonin, dopamine, endorphins — is             moving past us as we walk, which quiets
         released.”                                         the circuits responsible for stress, says
          Our bodies manufacture vitamin D                  Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist in the
         when exposed to sunlight furthering                Department of Neurobiology at Stanford
         the production of serotonin, a hormone             Medicine.
         benefiting memory and mood. Even on a              “Self-generated optic flow — by walking,
         cloudy day, “exposure to light elevates the        running or cycling — shifts the brain into
         mood,” says John Ratey, M.D., associate            a state of relaxation that’s not seen when
         clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard        you’re stationary,” he says. Scientists
         Medical School.                                    have seen walking reduce levels of
                                                            cortisol, which surges during fight-or-
         4. Walking may reduce the risk of                  flight situations. Elevated cortisol levels
         cognitive decline.                                 may damage cognition and contribute to
         Participants who walked more than                  Alzheimer’s disease, according to a 2019
         4,000 steps per day had healthier brain            review of studies in Frontiers in Aging
         tissue in the area responsible for memory,         Neuroscience.
         learning and cognitive function than those         Just a 20-minute walk has been shown to
         who did not. That brain region, called the         reduce stress and build the senior brain.

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