Page 27 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 27
16. Canned Foods: Canned foods often
contain preservatives and additives that
can be difficult to process in the summer
20. Alcohol-Based Energy Drinks:
17. Dried Fruits and Nuts: While Alcohol-based energy drinks can dehydrate
nutritious, dried fruits and nuts can be the body and increase the risk of heat-
dehydrating and should be consumed in related illnesses, making them a poor
moderation during the summer months. choice during the summer months.
Instead of consuming these foods and
beverages, focus on staying hydrated by
drinking plenty of water, coconut water,
buttermilk, and fresh fruit juices. Opt for
light, fresh, and easily digestible foods like
interesting salads, fruits (enjoy mangoes
while they are in season), vegetables like
cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, spinach,
18. Excessive Salt: Consuming excessive and whole grains. Additionally, try to
amounts of salt can lead to water retention avoid spending excessive time outdoors
and bloating, making the summer heat even during the peak heat hours, and stay in cool
more unbearable. well-ventilated environments whenever
Remember, staying healthy during the
Indian summer requires mindful choices
and a balanced diet. By avoiding the foods
and beverages listed above, you can help
your body cope better with the scorching
heat and maintain your overall well-being.
19. Fermented Foods: Fermented foods
like pickles (save the fresh mango and amla
pickles for the monsoon), chutneys, and
certain types of cheese can be difficult to
digest and cause digestive issues during the