Page 28 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 28


        5 ways that walking perks

        up your brain

         Your daily walk is building your brain as well, here’s how, writes the Seniors Today

         “It is a shame for a man to grow old without       neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, that is key to
         seeing the beauty and strength of which his        the survival of existing brain neurons and
         body is capable.” – said Socrates; and we          the generation of new ones. “Perhaps the
         absolutely agree! The benefits of walking          most exciting finding is that aerobic forms
         for seniors are phenomenal. New studies            of exercise [including walking] likely help
         reveal that you can trigger neurogenesis by        facilitate the growth of new neurons,” says
         just walking. Here’s how:                          a study at the University of North Carolina

         1. Walking may help you grow new brain             2. Walking may boost your creativity.
         cells.                                             Walking increases the flow of oxygen and
         Moderately paced walks stimulate the               nutrients to the brain, which can open the
         release of a protein called brain-derived          gates to enhanced creativity. The brain
                                                            uses “about three times as much oxygen
                                                            for healthy neuron function as muscles
                                                            do” and is extremely sensitive to decreases
                                                            in oxygen levels, according to Advanced
                                                            Neurotherapy, a neurofeedback wellness
                                                            clinic in Needham, Massachusetts.
                                                            Creativity is a cognitive skill that is part
                                                            of problem-solving. Studies show that the
                                                            simple act of getting up from your desk

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