Page 31 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 31

Living up to its motto, “You care about            CogniFit Brain Fitness
         your brain. We do, too,” Lumosity is the
         product of intense research conducted by
         over 100 researchers worldwide. It was
         one of the first apps in the brain-training
         sphere, offering cognitive exercises to
         enhance memory, attention span, speed, and          The CogniFit Brain Fitness app houses
         flexibility.                                       over 60 games created by neuroscientists.
          It has a clear and navigable user interface       It also generates reports on gaming
         with subtle colours that give it an                performance that you can share with
         approachable personality. These design             professionals (like your doctor). And if
         elements are especially beneficial for seniors     you’re a senior who loves a good challenge,
         seeking a simple and intuitive experience to       you can have friendly competitions with
         comfortably switch between various games,          your loved ones on the platform while
         stats, and functions of the application. The       monitoring the live ranking to see how you
         app allocates a score after every game,            stack up.
         and adding all the scores gives you your            Navigating the app is an absolute breeze,
         Lumosity Performance Index (LPI).                  thanks to its responsive interface and
          There are plenty of engaging games to             seamless design. However, some users
         choose from, and based on your unique              complain of glitching, and the monthly fee
         preferences, the app ensures that the game         is on the higher end of the price spectrum.
         selection is tailored to you. What’s more,          CogniFit Brain Fitness uses AI to curate
         every game includes tutorials so you can           a daily gaming dose for your unique
         better understand it before beginning and          cognitive status and suggests games to
         earning points. Lumosity’s free trial is 14        work your weak points. For example,
         days long. After that period, you can either       if you excel at speed but struggle with
         choose its yearly (Rs.3,700) or monthly            memory, you’ll receive more memory-
         (Rs.750) plan.                                     based game recommendations.
          One brain training game that stands out            The most engaging game to boost your
         for its attention-grabbing (and sustaining)        planning abilities is Candy Line Up. Start
         quality is Train of Thought. Its design            by choosing your difficulty level and move
         is reminiscent of colourful toy trains             the candies from one tube to another until
         from back in the day. The rules are fairly         the tubes are filled with one kind of candy.
         straightforward: move each train to its            This game stimulates your management
         matching station by changing the switches          skills and as you level up, the number of
         on the track. As you climb the levels, the         tubes increases and the candies have caps
         challenge intensifies, but that’s where all        on them to amp up the difficulty level.
         the fun lies!                                       Other must-try games on the app are
          Other games to try out on Lumosity                Happy Hopper, Marble Race, and Colour
         include Splitting Seeds, Assist Ants,              Bee. Cognifit launches a new game every
         Raindrops, and Continuum. You can                  month, so be sure to look out for them.
         download Lumosity on the App Store and             The app is available on the App Store and
         Google Play.                                       Google Play.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #58 | APRIL 2024                                                              31
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