Page 9 - Seniors Today Magazine April 2024
P. 9

Since a crime had been committed, Vinod           authorities asking for help against
         lodged a FIR at their local police station         the continuing abuse by Ramesh and
         against Ramesh and Anita for an offence            Anita. They also placed a notice in some
         punishable u/s 380, 420, 465, 468, 471,            newspapers, publicly disowning their
         467 a/w 34 of the Indian Penal Code.               son. To harass the parents even further,
         Ramesh was arrested by the police and the          Ramesh and Anita registered false cases
         bank accounts of Ramesh and Anita were             against them.
         frozen.                                             Finally, having reached the end of their
          Ramesh sought forgiveness and requested           tether, the parents consulted a lawyer
         his father to help him in getting bail and         and filed a complaint before the Forum of
         promised to return the entire amount               Senior Citizens under the Maintenance
         encashed by him and Anita. Out of love for         and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens
         his child, the father obliged. After coming        Act, 2007, praying for maintenance and
         out of prison on bail, Ramesh requested            eviction of the son. After going through
         his father to quash the FIR against him            the case documents, the Officer passed
         and promised to soon return all the                an order of eviction against the son and
         money. Ramesh being their only child,              daughter-in-law. (Note: Police have no role
         the couple became emotional, and agreed.           to play as far as this Act is concerned since
         After quashing the FIR, the bank accounts          it is a civil matter. But the senior citizens
         of Ramesh and Anita were unfrozen.                 can make an application before the Sub-
         However, instead of returning the parents’         Divisional Officer seeking protection of
         life savings, the son and daughter-in-law          the police for executing the order of the
         started abusing them and made their                Tribunal.)
         life miserable. They wanted the parents             Their grown-up child’s love of money can
         to leave the house and also demanded               wipe the smile off a loving parent’s face
         ownership of the family business, which             This order was challenged by Ramesh and
         was the means of livelihood of the parents.        Anita but the provision to appeal under
         The couple was threatened with physical            the Act is available only to senior citizens.
         abuse and they began to fear for their lives.      They then filed a criminal writ petition
                                                            in the High Court under Article 227 of
                                                            the Constitution to challenge the order
                                                            of the Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal.
                                                            In the meanwhile, the eviction order was
                                                            executed. The High Court suggested that
                                                            the parties should come to a settlement and
                                                            withdraw all the cases pending before all
                                                            the courts against each other. The matter
                                                            was referred to mediation but it failed.
          Vinod and Sushila registered non-                 Later, the High Court passed an order in
         cognizable cases with the police several           favor of the senior citizens, upholding the
         times against their son and daughter-              eviction order passed by the Officer against
         in-law. They also wrote letters to the             the son and his wife. (Circa 1992).
         Commissioner of Police and other

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