Page 18 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 18

to managing and preventing the adverse
                                                            outcomes of depression.

                                                            Misconception #10: The best way to help
                                                            someone with depression is to cheer
                                                            them up.
                                                            Telling someone with depression to simply
                                                            look on the bright side, to cheer up or to
                                                            snap out of it is not helpful. It’s important
                                                            to understand that depression is complex.
         among men. Cultural stigma around                  The best way to help someone is to steer
         masculinity can hinder open discussions            them in the direction of proper treatment.
         about mental health, making it essential
         to break these gender barriers and                 Misconception #11: Antidepressants will
         encourage men to seek support. Mental              change your personality
         health treatment is crucial for everyone,          Antidepressants are designed to change
         regardless of gender. Depression does not          specific brain chemicals and can help
         care about your gender and neither should          relieve depression symptoms without
         you.                                               altering your personality. They are safe
                                                            and effective and are often the reason
         Misconception #8: Genetics guarantees              for making many people feel more like
         that you will get depression                       themselves again. However, its important
         Having a family member with depression             to note that combining medication with
         may increase your likelihood of getting            talk therapy is often the most effective
         it, but it’s not a guarantee. Many people          approach for treating depression. Itt does
         with depression have no family history of          take time and trial and error to find the
         the condition and some who do have it in           right medication and dosage.
         their genes don’t ever get it. While genetics
         play a role, your family history is not            Misconception #12: Keeping busy cures
         your destiny. Monitoring early symptoms            depression
         and taking proactive steps, like avoiding          Some people believe that staying busy  will
         substance abuse, stressors and seeking             help you avoid depressive episodes, while
         professional treatment, can be beneficial if       this might work for a while but without
         you do have a family history of depression.        proper help depression does not go away.

         Misconception #9: Having depression                Misconception #13: There has to be a
         isn’t something to worry about                     reason you’re depressed
         Depression is a serious condition with             Depression can result from a combination
         serious consequences, especially if it             of life challenges, traumatic events,
         is left untreated. It most definitely is           genetics and brain chemistry. There can
         something to worry about and can catapult          be a reason for you developing depression
         into other serious conditions. Seeking             and it can occur out of the blue as well. It
         proper treatment and support is crucial            all depends on each person. There is no

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