Page 22 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 22


         Are you being abused?

         Emotional and mental abuse can be more difficult to recognise than physical abuse,
         so it’s important to know the signs, notes a Seniors Today survey

         Seniors Today conducted a survey on                for example or someone who beats their
         various aspects of senior abuse. In India,         children. Those are signs of abuse that are
         it is common for parents to live with their        easy to recognise. But a lot of parental abuse
         children. Real estate is so expensive that         is mental and emotional, and it can be just
         parents and married children are forced to         as devastating as the physical. Sometimes
         live together under the same roof. In India,       there could be physical abuse as well.
         there is no social security and parents are        Here are some important ways to tell if
         sometimes dependent on their children              you’re being emotionally or mentally
         for their life needs. Parents in India often       abused.
         pay for the child’s education, college and         1. You Keep Getting Blamed For
         beyond, pay for the marriage and other             Everything That Goes Wrong
         important occasions, expecting that the            A common form of abuse is when a child
         children will look after them in their old         blames the parent for everything that has
         age.                                               gone wrong in the family. Right from not
          When parents do not have their own                having money to enjoy the good things in
         financial resources and are dependent on           life. To the circumstances in which they
         their children, they could be subject to           live, the parent gets blamed. A family
         mental and emotional abuse. When most              member or another person manipulates
         people think of abuse, they think of physical      the parent into doing — or not doing —
         abuse. A person who slaps their spouse,            something in an effort to control them. The

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