Page 19 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 19
help to break free from the shackles of
this monster called depression. Friends,
family or healthcare professionals can
provide valuable support. Psychotherapy
is an effective treatment to address your
depression symptoms. Talking about
depression is often the first step towards
Depression is a big deal and don’t let
anyone tell you otherwise.
hard and fast rule for who can experience It’s time we start viewing mental health
depression and who can’t. with the same glasses through which
physical health is examined. If you aren’t
Misconception #14: Talking about fit mentally how can you expect to be
depression makes it worse physically fit?
Talking about depression does not If you suffer from depression or any other
worsen it, this myth stems from mental mental health illness, know that you are
health stigmas. Open discussions about not alone. There is always someone who
depression are crucial to understand this will be willing to help you.
complex disease. It is also vital to seek Don’t be afraid to ask for help!