Page 26 - Seniorstoday August-2023 Issue
P. 26
Overcoming Erectile
Most men experience erectile dysfunction once they cross the half century
bridge and of course, men being men, they are embarassed to accept it, let
alone talk about it, writes Vinita Alvares Fernandes
Do you know most men experience erectile What causes an Erection?
dysfunction (ED) once they cross the half An erection is the hardening of your penis
century bridge and of course, men being as a result of increased blood flow into
men, they are embarrassed to accept it, let your penis. Sexual thoughts or sexual
alone talk about it? Mind you, it’s a very contact with your penis usually stimulates
normal and natural condition. an erection. When a person with a penis
As older adults, while your mind might is sexually excited, a muscle within the
still have the same virality as a 20 year old, blood vessels in the penis relaxes which
the truth is it’s hard to expect the same of allows the flood to flow through the penile
your body. arteries, filling the two chambers in the
Even though ED is still considered a taboo penis. When the chambers are full of blood
topic, it’s important to be knowledgeable it causes the penis to grow rigid and erect.
about the reasons behind it, get The penile veins constrict trapping the
appropriate treatment and definitely know blood in the chambers. An erection ends
whom to talk to about it. when the muscles constrict and the built
I will take you through the whole bandit up blood can flow out through the penile
of ED and once you have knowledge on it, veins.
then the next steps become doable — Erectile dysfunction can occur because