Page 28 - Seniorstoday December 2023 Issue
P. 28

much the penis expands.                            Peyronie’s disease (an abnormally bent or
                                                            curved penis) becomes more common with
         Will I still have erections?                       age. This may be because of accumulation
         Erectile dysfunction affects 15% of men in         of damage from minor injuries over time.
         their 50s to almost 90% of men over 80,             This condition affects 6.5% of men over
         according to an English study of more than         70 and can cause short-term pain and
         6,000 people. Existing health conditions           long-term erectile dysfunction.
         increased the risk significantly, and the
         risk was more than doubled in those who            Will I pee more?
         rated their health as fair to poor.                Lower urinary tract symptoms such
          Medications such as sildenafil (Viagra)           as incontinence, a weak urine stream,
         and tadalafil (Cialis) can help. But they do       problems with starting and stopping
         not reverse the underlying blood vessel            peeing, and nocturia (frequent night time
         and nerve damage that cause erectile               urination) increase as we get older.
         dysfunction. Eventually other treatments            These symptoms are moderate to severe
         – such as injections or penile pumps – may         in almost 50% of men over 65, and in 70%
         be options.                                        of men over 80. This is likely due to higher
          Other changes that occur with age include         rates of benign prostatic hyperplasia
         decreased penis sensitivity, which might           (enlarged prostate) as men age, which has
         reduce arousal. Ejaculation is delayed and         various effects, including on urine flow.
         happens less often.                                 Changes can take their toll …
          Semen volume and the force of ejaculation          Physical and functional changes in
         decrease with age. The time taken to               the penis can affect a man’s health and
         “recover” from ejaculating and become              wellbeing.
         sexually responsive again (known as the             Problems with erections or ejaculating
         post-ejaculatory refractory time) also             can reduce someone’s quality of life if they
         increases with age.                                still want to have sex. So open discussion
          Reaching orgasm is “impossible” or                with a partner, seeking support and
         “moderately difficult” for 33% of men in           professional advice can help.
         their 70s.                                          Lower urinary tract symptoms can also
                                                            affect a man’s mental health and personal
         Will the shape of my penis change?                 relationships.
         The shape of your penis is not usually
         expected to change with age. However,               … but can be sign of disease

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