Page 15 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 15
She is ageless, timeless. Over seven decades
she has given us the most sublime and
enchanting music. We are indeed fortunate
to have lived when Lataji’s melodious voice
resonated on the planet. The days when
Lataji would come home are amongst the
special memories for us as a family. Lataji
was like a member of our family and we
often saw her at home. She was the ‘rakhi’
sister to my father and mother and her
charming soft demeanour and affection
touched our hearts. It was with my mother
that Lataji had a close bond at the time
and they had their own space discussing
families, sarees and common friends. What
stood out for me was that, here was the
supreme singing diva of our generation and birthday or a wedding, and we would get
yet she was like any normal person talking beautiful gifts from her. Just two months
plain simple things that people talk, in the back, I spoke with to Lataji on the phone for
most down to earth manner imaginable. half an hour. Her voice was still very fresh
Success did not alter her. She was humble, and she still had the same enthusiasm.
extremely curious and had a child-like Of course she lamented that she could
innocence. Unlike all artistes who have not move. But we discussed cricket and
a peak to their career, Lataji remained in strangely, some politics. She had a lot of
her prime all through. I have had the good praise for PM Narendra Modi and spoke of
fortune of listening to her sing absolutely their mutual affection. One of her proudest
raw in our living room, devoid of the achievements was how she created the
trappings of a studio and recording gear. Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital in Pune.
I recall the time she sang a few lines from She was committed to that hospital. Her
“Aayega aane walaa”. It was a ‘raungtey melody is immortal and will continue
khade ho gaye’ moment. Simply magical to sing to each one of us. Whether it is
and unforgettable. For the world she was a love ballad or a grieving requiem or a
the numero uno voice, but for us she was, galvanising anthem, that one single voice,
is and will forever be Lata Didi. Like all the unmistakable sound of the nightingale
true Mumbaikars she had a deep passion of our times will always ring through the
for cricket. She would discuss the nuances heart of India.
of the game with me, whether it was a Test Dearest Lata didi,
match or an IPL game. My connection with Tere bina zindagi se koi,
her grew because of our music company shikwa to nahi
HMV. She knew every member of the staff Tere bina zindagi bhi lekin,
at the HMV office and it was always a treat zindagi to nahi.
for them when she visited the office. She The heavens will sound sweeter from
never forgot a festive occasion, whether a today.