Page 16 - Seniorstoday February 2022 Issue
P. 16
Dead by Covid
Death has a right to its own valour, dignity and self-respect,
writes Vickram Sethi
My niece, all of 35, lost her husband to For a moment, sit and imagine the trauma
the Covid-19 pandemic last year. He was of the widow. And for people like her who
two years her senior and they had been have had similar or worse experiences
in love right from college. They also have in carrying out the rituals of their dearly
a daughter aged nine and his death was a departed during the pandemic.
traumatic experience. The pandemic has changed every aspect
Once he was detected with Covid they took of our lives. For those who have lost loved
him to the hospital. For two days, he was on ones, their lives have been shattered. The
the stretcher lying in the corridor. Finally above-mentioned couple has a nine-year-
a bed was allotted to him. Five days later, old daughter. How does one explain to the
he succumbed to the disease. It took eight little girl the empty seat on a dining table?
hours for the family to find a hearse. There We often talk about building roads, dams,
was a queue of almost 70 ambulances and irrigation systems, Chandrayan etc. etc.;
tempos waiting to carry the dead into the but we don’t have a comprehensive policy
crematorium. The hearse driver estimated that responds to the diverse and changing
that this queue would take anywhere needs of different communities in India?
between 12 to 14 hours before their turn. As citizens we are truly left in the dark, to
He reasoned that waiting in the queue for deal with the endless formalities of death.
24 hours would mean a loss of business Everyone does not have the luxury of being
and started demanding three times more given their space to grieve the loss of their
money. The poor wife and her sister seated beloved, and are left to face the burden
in the hearse, cried, pleaded and finally of bureaucratic traumas to add to their
agreed to pay the higher sum to get body trauma.
into the crematorium. Death is phenomenon like no other. It